Help with my server

I bought a server from when i try to edit the GM and all the files and then go in game im in a cj skin on a farm

Are you sure you have the right plugins, includes, etc, for the gamemode?

Try updating needed plugins to the latest (including the .inc files), make sure you're using .dll for windows and .so for linux too. Re-compile the GM with the new includes/plugins loaded and try again.

Does your gamemode read "Unknown" on the SA-MP 0.3e Client ? If so, you may have problems with your plugins. If your gamemode requires sscanf and streamer, make sure that you have the Linux plugins which are .so files.

Or you could use the Native Checker to help you out. Hope this helps.

did u add AddPlayerClass(ur classid and cor)

We've told you, you are missing something or plugin or some other file, because your server_log.txt says:
Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

Originally Posted by int3s0
We've told you, you are missing something or plugin or some other file, because your server_log.txt says:
Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
@OP, in which case, update the plugins you use to the latest (including the .inc files), make sure you're using .dll for windows and .so for linux too. Re-compile the GM and run it with the new includes/plugins loaded and it should work.

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