18.05.2012, 01:44
Последний раз редактировалось Flake.; 18.05.2012 в 09:06.
Причина: update
End Of The Line TDM
This Gamemode is based on the final mission of GTA- San Andreas called 'End of the Line' so pretty much you have 2 teams (basic) balla's and grove (easly editable so you can add more and what not) there are many features listed below!
- The Gamemode is FULL MYSQL (mysql_dump included)
- The Server has IRC communication most commands and things people do ingame are echoed to IRC!
- Manny Pickups around the building
- You Can't Team kill, the server is protected by gTeam
- You can buy from a shop! you can buy audio streams, Weapons, Arour
- 5 Admin levels (Saved to the mysql Database)
- Lots of admin commands
- The Gamemode is using Sscanf to hash the passwords!
- Made a OnplayerConnect dialoag with the rules and regulations
- I Left out the /help and /commands command so you can add it in yourself with your own custom commands and stuff
- NPC Compatible, really easy to add NPC's
Admin commands:
- pawn Код:[*] Level 1: /getinfo /ip /text /spec(off) /slap[*] Level 1: /(un)freeze /(un)mute /warn /kick[*] Level 2: /get(here) /goto /explode /an(nounce) /ban[*] Level 3: /veh /giveweapon[*] Level 4: /makeadmin /gmx
Score, Passwords, Kills, Deaths all easly editable via Mysql!
The Script is Updated 100% to 0.3e and using some of the new 0.3e fetures check them out!
PHP код:
The mysql has 3 Tables [*] Accounts[*] Bans[*] Logs
PHP код:
Inside it saves all kills, deaths, score, money!

Me - Making all of the Script
The creator of Sscanf.
The creator of Mysql.
Please, Enjoy the gamemode!