11.05.2012, 07:46
Hey, what's up guys? My name is David, and today I'm going to teach you how to make
random server messages using Textdraw. Sounds like fun, huh? Let's do it
What We're Going to Do
As I've said above, we're going to make a FS (Filterscript / code / w/e) that is going to show a random message that we define each hour (Of coruse we'll be able to change it).
Let's start, shall we?
Let's open a new file using our editor (Pawno editor, Notepad++, etc...) and save it in the "filterscripts" directory as "rsmt.pwn" (Or whatever you wish).
Okay, now let's add this line to the top of our code:
In this line we included the include "a_samp". This include has to be in every script you make. Otherwise, the functions, publics, so on... won't work.
Now, add this just below the include line:
This line basically means how much time for each server message. 1000 = 1 sec. Therefore, 3600000 = 1 hour.
When that's done, time to add the Textdraw variable
Add this line:
We declared a new variable of the type "Text" (Used for TextDraw's) and we called it "RMText".
Now, add this variable:
This variable is an array, means it has several values (cells) in it. In the first rectangular parenthesis ([]) we declared how much cells are going to be in it, plus 1 more cell. (Cells are starting from 0. Therefore, we have 0,1,2 cells in our variable, plus 1 that we declare). After that, we declare the messages. Each message should be inside quotes (""). After the end of the quotes, we need to add a coma (,) But NOT in the last one.
Add this just below:
In this line we're forwarding publics that we're going to make. If we want to make a public of ourselves (Not a public that comes with the a_samp, etc..) we'll need to forward it first.
Okay, now that that's done, add those lines below:
The public "OnFilterScriptInit" is called the the filter scripts loads (When you start samp-server.exe for example). Then we've set a timer using the function "SetTimer". In the parenthesis we defined the function name (ShowMessage), interval(MESSAGE_TIME = 1 hour in this example), repeat (true = Yes).
Okay, now let's do the real work
. Let's make the ShowMessage public.
Add this code below the "OnFilterScriptInit" public.
Let me explain what we've done here.
The first line declares that this is a public (function).
After that, we made a new variable called "RandomMessage", which is going to be a random number from the "ServerMessage" array. The function "random" picks a random number from 0 to the max. number defined inside the parenthesis (). In this case, we didn't want like the number 100. Therefore, we inserted the "sizeof" function which in this case, returns the amount of cells in the array.
After that, we've set the value of "RMText" to a new TextDraw. In the parenthesis of TextDrawCreate we define: x (10.0), y (100.0), text (The message).
We've set the font of the Textdraw (RMText) to font number 2.
We've set the color of the Textdraw (RMText) to 0x85D0FFAA (Very light blue).
We've set the outline of the Textdraw (RMText) to 1.
We've set the alignment of the Textdraw (RMText) to 1 (Left).
We've showed the TextDraw to all players.
We've set a timer to the public "HideMessage" in 3 second, without repeat (false = No repeat).
Now, add this public:
When this public is called, it hides the Textdraw (RMText) to all players.
Final Code
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. If you want guides, comment/PM me and I'll try to make them.
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Hey, what's up guys? My name is David, and today I'm going to teach you how to make
random server messages using Textdraw. Sounds like fun, huh? Let's do it

What We're Going to Do
As I've said above, we're going to make a FS (Filterscript / code / w/e) that is going to show a random message that we define each hour (Of coruse we'll be able to change it).
Let's start, shall we?
Let's open a new file using our editor (Pawno editor, Notepad++, etc...) and save it in the "filterscripts" directory as "rsmt.pwn" (Or whatever you wish).
Okay, now let's add this line to the top of our code:
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
Now, add this just below the include line:
pawn Code:
#define MESSAGE_TIME 3600000
When that's done, time to add the Textdraw variable

Add this line:
pawn Code:
new Text:RMText;
Now, add this variable:
pawn Code:
new ServerMessage[3][] = {
"Our first server message.",
"Party Rock is in the house tonight!",
"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yeah!"
Add this just below:
pawn Code:
forward ShowMessage();
forward HideMessage();
Okay, now that that's done, add those lines below:
pawn Code:
public OnFilterScriptInit() {
SetTimer("ShowMessage", MESSAGE_TIME, true);
return 1;
Okay, now let's do the real work

Add this code below the "OnFilterScriptInit" public.
pawn Code:
public ShowMessage() {
new RandomMessage = random(sizeof(ServerMessage));
RMText = TextDrawCreate(10.0, 100.0, ServerMessage[RandomMessage]);
TextDrawFont(RMText, 2);
TextDrawColor(RMText, 0x85D0FFAA);
TextDrawSetOutline(RMText, 1);
TextDrawAlignment(RMText, 1);
SetTimer("HideMessage", 3000, false);
The first line declares that this is a public (function).
After that, we made a new variable called "RandomMessage", which is going to be a random number from the "ServerMessage" array. The function "random" picks a random number from 0 to the max. number defined inside the parenthesis (). In this case, we didn't want like the number 100. Therefore, we inserted the "sizeof" function which in this case, returns the amount of cells in the array.
After that, we've set the value of "RMText" to a new TextDraw. In the parenthesis of TextDrawCreate we define: x (10.0), y (100.0), text (The message).
We've set the font of the Textdraw (RMText) to font number 2.
We've set the color of the Textdraw (RMText) to 0x85D0FFAA (Very light blue).
We've set the outline of the Textdraw (RMText) to 1.
We've set the alignment of the Textdraw (RMText) to 1 (Left).
We've showed the TextDraw to all players.
We've set a timer to the public "HideMessage" in 3 second, without repeat (false = No repeat).
Now, add this public:
pawn Code:
public HideMessage() {
Final Code
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Have a nice day