Checking who's near you.

How am i able to check to see who is near the person that type's /near and it displays there name in a format?

For an example, Lets say Tim is 10 feet away from me, I type /near and it says, "Tim is near you."?

use GetPlayerPos and IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint with Float:Distance 10 if thats what you want?

Use a Get Distance function:
pawn Код:
stock Float: GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,Float: X2,Float:Y2 ,Float: Z2)
    new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
  return floatsqroot ( floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( X , X2 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( Y , Y2 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( Z , Z2 ) ) , 2 ) );
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There are better distance functions (you can try IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint but I personally had issues with it. There are other distance functions around if you search a little), this is the one I had at hand.

In the command, create a loop through all the players and get the distance. If the distance is less than 10, Get the player name and format a message.
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A quick example I made up:
pawn Код:
stock Float: GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,Float: X2,Float:Y2 ,Float: Z2)
    new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
  return floatsqroot ( floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( X , X2 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( Y , Y2 ) ) , 2 ) + floatpower ( floatabs ( floatsub ( Z , Z2 ) ) , 2 ) );

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (strcmp("/nearme", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        new Float:pos[3];
        for (new i = 0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                new string[64];
                format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%i) is near you!",pname,i);
        return 1;
    return 0;

You don't need GetDistance.

Using foreach.
pawn Код:
CMD:near(playerid, params[])
        Float:x, // floats for the playerid's position
        name[24] // a new string for the all the names
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "-------[ Players Near You ]-------");
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); // We get the position of the player and store them into the floats
    foreach(Player, i) // we loop through all the players
        // and if all the players are within 10 feet of the playerid who typed this command's position.
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0 ,x, y, z))
            // then it will get their name and send it to who ever typed the command
            GetPlayerName(i, name, 24);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, name);
            // since this is a loop
            // this code will be repeated
            // for EVERY player that is near whoever typed the command
    return 1;

Thank you very much.

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