General question to SA-MP Staff

I was wondering. If a guy have been a member of a gaming community for years, and he was bad treated by that community and hacked their community a little(Not talking about any DDoS attack here) and then he goes to another server. The community that player was playing on goes to the community he joins and start complaining about what he did there and the server the player plays on now, banned him. Is this allowed?

Doesn't this strict against SA-MP Agreement? If I am right, that server got nothing to do with the issues with the previous community that player belonged to. Am I right?

Why wouldn't it be allowed? As a server owner you have a right to ban which ever player you want for any reason. So the guy that got banned because of another community complaining about what he did is his fault and he should be stay banned.


That player. Let's call him... eh, Jason.

Jason has been part of a Community1 for 4 years. They threats him bad, but he is still considered as member of community1 after he has been hacked. Jason is banned from Community1 and has some issues with Community1. Jason is playing on other communities, in this case let's say Community2. Then he plays in Community2 because he wants to chill out and not think about Community1. As fast as Community1 finds out that he plays on Community2, Community1 goes to Community2 to ask help from them about things that Community2 is not even relevant to. Why would Community2 sneak their nose in Jason's and Community1's problem?

So, you get hacked (let's stop with the hypothetical context, it's pretty clear that it's you) and this second community you went to banned you because the first community you were at caught you breaking rules, but you're using the excuse that you were hacked?

Originally Posted by Calgon
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So, you get hacked (let's stop with the hypothetical context, it's pretty clear that it's you) and this second community you went to banned you because the first community you were at caught you breaking rules, but you're using the excuse that you were hacked?
No that's not what I meant. I meant, why should Community1 that usually talkes shit about Community2 go to Community2 and start shitting on him? Even telling things that he didn't do? It's pretty obvious that Community1 should let Jason be alone. Why would Community1 go to every other communities to destroy his gaming experience? It's not up to community2 to judge Jason's and Community1's issue.

What was this "issue"? You claim you were hacked, what did the hacker do while you were being hacked?

Originally Posted by Calgon
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What was this "issue"? You claim you were hacked, what did the hacker do while you were being hacked?
What I meant was "after hacking". He hacked only once. It's talking about a spawncar hack and tp cars to his position. Not even more than that.

So basically, you teleported all the cars to you in the server and ruined the game for everyone for a good few minutes. That's a pretty bad thing to do and you deserve to be banned from all servers you enter for doing it.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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So basically, you teleported all the cars to you in the server and ruined the game for everyone for a good few minutes. That's a pretty bad thing to do and you deserve to be banned from all servers you enter for doing it.
That is a idiotic statement. What is it up to OTHER Servers, to judge his loyality to another community? It's not.

Originally Posted by MrBorsh
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That is a idiotic statement. What is it up to OTHER Servers, to judge his loyality to another community? It's not.
If you hack on one server, what's to say you're not going to do it on the other?

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