is there a way to put more things in a return?

hey guys,

is there a way to put more things in a return?

so for example:
// codes here
return ShowMenuForPlayer(startmenu, playerid) HasCar[playerid] = 1;


ShowMenuForPlayer(startmenu, playerid);
HasCar[playerid] = 1;

i already tried both of these but is there another way to make this? cuz it would be really nice and would be lot faster in my ondialogresponse cuz else i have to add: HasCar[playerid] = 1; then i have to add that on 570 lines and that takes damn much time AND makes teh script twice that huge , so anyone knows a way to make the return that way?

greets niels

only way i know is to use a comma
but its not really returning both

pawn Код:
return ShowMenuForPlayer(startmenu, playerid) ,HasCar[playerid] = 1;

You can put commas. But it is quite useless to do so if the return value is of no importance.

well it IS important in this case XD, thnx for the help guys , didnt knew a , would make the difference XD anyways thnx

No need to do this. You can merely wrap your statements within a code block and return the value to true to omit any following code.

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