Hey, I need some SQL assistance!


Well basically after working a lot and trying too hard, I couldn't seem to succeed doing this, so I decided to get a little assistance from you. Yes, I am an experienced scripter but I totally suck with SQL databases, even though I am required to use it to obtain some information I am really in need of to use it in game.

Ok, just before I begin - mysql_connect() is ok with me and everything is fine, I succeed connecting to the database and stuff, but here comes the hard part for me, I do not seem to know how to use mysql_query() - basically, what I want to do is:
  • Connect to the database (completed)
  • Get all user information (including level, etc.)
  • A command /users to display all the users with their levels (one user, one line.)
Yes, I do realize it's newbish to tell you that I am willing to give you a +rep, but 'ey! yes, I am giving it out because I am in need of assistance.

Thanks for your time,
and thanks for reading.

mysql_query is well documented around the internet, it's pretty much the same in all languages.

For retrieving some information a table (named users for example), for example all of the columns from a single row specified by the contents of a column called "Username" where the contents of that column are "Skavanovski", you would do something like this:

pawn Код:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE Username = 'Skavanovski'");

mysql_store_result(); // Store the result for information gathering

if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) // More than 0 rows were found
    new array[200]; // May need to be longer depending on size of your result
    mysql_fetch_row(array); // Fetch the returned information and store it in the array variable

    // The array variable now contains the information in the format:
    // column1|column2|column3 ... and so on

    // Therefore you should use a split function like split or sscanf to split that information into
    // the necessary variables, for example with sscanf assuming column1 is a string, column2 is an integer
    // and column3 is a float

    new string[30], int, Float: floatvar;

    sscanf(array, "s[30]if", string, int, floatvar);

    // Now the information inside the array variable has been split into the other variables accordingly.
If you wanted to select all users and print that information, you would just do this:

pawn Код:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users`"); // Notice we're not specifying a WHERE any more.

mysql_store_result(); // Store the result for information gathering

if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) // More than 0 rows were found
    new array[200]; // May need to be longer depending on size of your result
    while(mysql_fetch_row(array)) // Fetch the returned information and store it in the array variable

        // The array variable now contains the information in the format:
        // column1|column2|column3 ... and so on

        // Therefore you should use a split function like split or sscanf to split that information into
        // the necessary variables, for example with sscanf assuming column1 is a string, column2 is an integer
        // and column3 is a float

        new string[30], int, Float: floatvar;

        sscanf(array, "s[30]if", string, int, floatvar);

        // Now the information inside the array variable has been split into the other variables accordingly.

        printf("String: %s / Integer: %i / Float: %f", string, int, floatvar); // Print the information for that row
Notice how this time we have mysql_fetch_row in a while loop, this means that it will continue executing until it has finished fetching all of the returned rows and storing them in the array variable.

I hope that makes sense!

Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
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mysql_query is well documented around the internet, it's pretty much the same in all languages.

For retrieving some information a table (named users for example), for example all of the columns from a single row specified by the contents of a column called "Username" where the contents of that column are "Skavanovski", you would do something like this:

pawn Код:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE Username = 'Skavanovski'");

mysql_store_result(); // Store the result for information gathering

if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) // More than 0 rows were found
    new array[200]; // May need to be longer depending on size of your result
    mysql_fetch_row(array); // Fetch the returned information and store it in the array variable

    // The array variable now contains the information in the format:
    // column1|column2|column3 ... and so on

    // Therefore you should use a split function like split or sscanf to split that information into
    // the necessary variables, for example with sscanf assuming column1 is a string, column2 is an integer
    // and column3 is a float

    new string[30], int, Float: floatvar;

    sscanf(array, "s[30]if", string, int, floatvar);

    // Now the information inside the array variable has been split into the other variables accordingly.
If you wanted to select all users and print that information, you would just do this:

pawn Код:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users`"); // Notice we're not specifying a WHERE any more.

mysql_store_result(); // Store the result for information gathering

if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) // More than 0 rows were found
    new array[200]; // May need to be longer depending on size of your result
    while(mysql_fetch_row(array)) // Fetch the returned information and store it in the array variable

        // The array variable now contains the information in the format:
        // column1|column2|column3 ... and so on

        // Therefore you should use a split function like split or sscanf to split that information into
        // the necessary variables, for example with sscanf assuming column1 is a string, column2 is an integer
        // and column3 is a float

        new string[30], int, Float: floatvar;

        sscanf(array, "s[30]if", string, int, floatvar);

        // Now the information inside the array variable has been split into the other variables accordingly.

        printf("String: %s / Integer: %i / Float: %f", string, int, floatvar); // Print the information for that row
Notice how this time we have mysql_fetch_row in a while loop, this means that it will continue executing until it has finished fetching all of the returned rows and storing them in the array variable.

I hope that makes sense!
Yes, that's a lot of explanation but exactly what I wanted, yeah, I knew about the single user and how to get the info, but about all users, I didn't know - thanks a bunch, JaTochNietDan. As I promised, a +rep point, thanks for everything.

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