25.04.2012, 20:30
Hello there,
In order to create an update system for a shared GM i have to read fro:m a remote file.
I mean, my file is hosted on simple web host (my perssonal website) and i want to acces to this file in my Pawn Script but without having to use the script on the same server.
I've tried this:
My func AreStringsEquals(string1, string2):
With this solution, i just get an empty string.
I wouldn't like to use an heavily solution such as MySQL DB!
I hope you can help me![Smiley](images/smilies/smile.png)
Sorry for my bad english.
BTW, i'll give rep+ only if you realy helped me and are nice.
EDIT:I think it can help:
In order to create an update system for a shared GM i have to read fro:m a remote file.
I mean, my file is hosted on simple web host (my perssonal website) and i want to acces to this file in my Pawn Script but without having to use the script on the same server.
I've tried this:
pawn Код:
#define BASE_GM_VER "0.1.1"
#define UPDATE_SERVER "http://jujuv.rd-h.fr/upload/base_gm/Check.version"
if(!AreStringsEquals(BASE_GM_VER, dini_Get(UPDATE_SERVER, "Latest_Version")))
printf("Vous utilisez la version %s du GM de base.Une version plus rйcente est disponible en tйlйchargement (%s)! Rendez-vous а l'adresse suivante pour tйlйcharger la dйrniйre version:\n %s", BASE_GM_VER, dini_Get(UPDATE_SERVER, "Latest_Version"), dini_Get(UPDATE_SERVER, "DL.Link"));
My func AreStringsEquals(string1, string2):
pawn Код:
public AreStringsEquals(string1[], string2[])
NB: strcmp also return 0.
if(!strcmp(string1, string2) && strlen(string1) != 0 && strlen(string2) != 0)
return true;
else { return false;}
I wouldn't like to use an heavily solution such as MySQL DB!
I hope you can help me
Sorry for my bad english.
BTW, i'll give rep+ only if you realy helped me and are nice.
EDIT:I think it can help:
Originally Posted by SA:MP Server Logs
SA-MP Dedicated Server
---------------------- v0.3e-RC7, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team [22:21:03] filterscripts = "" (string) [22:21:03] [22:21:03] Server Plugins [22:21:03] -------------- [22:21:03] Loaded 0 plugins. [22:21:03] [22:21:03] Filterscripts [22:21:03] --------------- [22:21:03] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [22:21:03] Vous utilisez la version 0.1.1 du GM de base.Une version plus rйcente est disponible en tйlйchargement ()! Rendez-vous а l'adresse suivante pour tйlйcharger la dйrniйre version: [22:21:03] -------------------------------------- [22:21:03] (^o^) Simple base-mode by Jujuv (^o^) [22:21:03] -------------------------------------- [22:21:03] Number of vehicle models: 0 ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- |