Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

Originally Posted by Tannz0rz
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The whole point of making a suggestion in this thread in the first place is so that people will not have to do that...
Sure, I know that, but you may know as I know that it's almost 99% sure that Kye won't make it, it's just another suggestion as many others that got ignored, by that fact I made that post, so people can try to make the cliend side plugin & server side plugin by their own...

Allow playing files in the server directory

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Allow playing files in the server directory
Indeed, indeed. I just wish that the audio-playing system were more akin to that of past audio plugins. Much more functionality would be appreciated!

TestLOS(playerid, &targetplayer, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);

Creates a raycast from the player's camera vector and returns the coordinates of where the ray hits any kind of object, or player.
If no player was found, targetplayer returns INVALID_PLAYERID

This shouldn't be much work to create since you already have TestNameTagLOS which does bacically the same.

Or even this:
TestLOS(Float:startx, Float:starty, Float:startz, Float:startvectorx, Float:startvectory, startvectorz, targetplayer, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Flozt:z);

Another suggestion:
Please let us be able to change the player's camera update interval while in a vehicle.
This is currently set to +- 1000ms. (make it editable in the server.cfg file?)
While on foot, it's more like 80ms or so, but that I don't need to change.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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I definitely agree with the LOS functions, I've been wanting something like this for ages!
I think it would be better to just allow it to be cast from any position (if that's possible) then you can make explosive ordnance on custom maps.
And I would finally be able to create turrets

can use our timecyc gta sa

Add sun

Add original files gta sa (Data)

Originally Posted by ғαιιοцт
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And I would finally be able to create turrets
Yeah, I wanted to do the same.
I thought of a workaround where I would define my own polygons (building + object bounds) then check if the line between the turret and the player intersected.

Take a look at my topic, Y_Less posted a good answer!

Note: On my diagram, think of "Point A" as the 'turret' and Points B and C as player positions, and the weird shape as a badly designed building!

Ability to change the colour of vehicle markers (colouring fractions' vehicles, restricted vehicles or hiding them by making the colour transparent)

And of couse bigger vehicle limit

I know this will sound cheesey and stuff but a sports system. A really well-scripted soccer game that teams can play, it would be awesome for RP servers.

Just more entertainment games like pool and stuff would also be awesome.

I'm pretty sure this suggestion will also be ignored and the next update of SA-MP will be in december again, but here's da deal:

1) Go work more often on SA-MP. There's only one update every year..
2) Increase the textdraw limit, 2000 is really not much (it sounds much if you have 50 players indeedio, but if you have 500 players, a player can only have 4 textdraw's..)
3) For that audio stream thing, don't show the messages.
4) Also, make something like OnAudioStreamPlay, so when the file downloaded and starts to play, that gets called..

I can give you tons of more suggestions, but probably SA-MP team won't read or even bother to add these..

this may has been already suggested but would be very helpful agains DDos attacks:

pawn Код:
OnIncomingConnection(ip[])//ip => source of the incomming connection
OnModifiedPacketRecieved(ip[])//ip => source of the modified packet

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Yeah, I wanted to do the same.
I thought of a workaround where I would define my own polygons (building + object bounds) then check if the line between the turret and the player intersected.

Take a look at my topic, Y_Less posted a good answer!

Note: On my diagram, think of "Point A" as the 'turret' and Points B and C as player positions, and the weird shape as a badly designed building!

That's really nice! But a lot of work for just a turret

Yeah, it is and I'm not sure how to do that sort of thing in 3D, I imagine it's a LOT more complex!
I still haven't made a code for this yet, taking a break from sa-mp as no one seems interested any more!

But if I get it working I'll probably post it in Useful Functions/Snippets!

pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerCrashObjectInVehicle(playerid, objectid, vehicleid)
forward OnPlayerStartJump(playerid)// In This public start when a player is in free fall in air
forward OnPlayerStopJump(playerid)//When he is on the ground. (Stop jump)

native DeleteAllLabelsAttachedInPlayers()
native AttachPickupToVehicle(pickupid, vehicleid)

OnOpCodeSendToPlayer(playerid, opcodeid) // Player gets a warning of an opcode.
ID: 1 = B7 (Elegy/Jester Mod)
2 = etc

pawn Код:

Originally Posted by Pri3st
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Removing the CJ run from CJ.
Thats useless. Anyway there are many ways you can remove cj run from cj

Originally Posted by [NoV]Bigeasy
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Ability to sort your 'Favorites' list manually in the SAMP browser via UP|DOWN arrow buttons, or something similiar.
Totally agree with you there!

Originally Posted by stormchaser206
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I like these:
pawn Code:
native RestartServer //Restart the Server
native StartLocalSAMPServer(port) //Start Local SAMP Server
native RespawnPlayer(playerid) //Respawn The Player
native KickEx(playerid, "Reason here") //Kick a player with a custom reason
native KillPlayer(playerid) //Kill the player, usefull for a /kill command
native CreateCommand(command,params here) //An Easier way for creating commands

nice dude

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