help iam make map and make door in place cop office and door no open when player need go

help iam make map and make door in place cop office and door no open when player need go pls help

We need code, and for you to improve your english.

Man iam make Map PLace Police offcer and make Door for no Robbers go to the place and door no down or up
iam need it down if player coming to go to place his open for police and if robbers no open for him how

You can't just map a door in and think that the door will go up and down.

offff iam hat myself i hate me iam can't make filterscript iam make it but here error need one help me of that fuck myself

Learn proper English, and with such attitude, you will never learn to script. It takes time, practice, and a lot of dedication! Change the attitude, or you'll never learn.

if one need help me and get me Thread how make Script FS

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