11.04.2012, 11:30
Последний раз редактировалось Gagi_Corleone; 17.04.2012 в 14:55.

-Whit this FS you can make Events in game. Simple just follow instructions which script talk you. For start type /startevent. For now u can create event with vehicles(vehicle and checkpoint) and DM event with weapons.
/createevent - For create event
/finishcevent - For finish creating event
/finishdmevent - Finish DM event
/join - For join to event
/startevent - For start event

How to?
1) How to change time for join
->Just change MAX_TIME
2) How to put this on my server?
->Download FS and change password,gamemode and server name in server.cfg which i'm put in .rar and use him. Put all in your server folder
Mr.Gagi - make this
****** - YSI 3.1, sscanf,foreach
The man in shadow - Help me with testing filterscript
Ryder - His race system helped me with one think (to spawn player behind player)