07.04.2012, 12:31

Hello Dear Scripters
My name is AcidBurn/[B]ero , i am representing infinite gaming community (http://www.infinite-network.net/forum/).
I would like to ask for a moment of your time to read this.
iG community is in need of a scripter and is asking for your help in scripting(unpayed).
Infinite-Gaming is a community with a zombie server since 2008. We are on a hosted tab and our player ammount is ok.
The server is starting with fresh script, we are looking for an advanced scripter that could script biting system and xp system.
If you would like to see our server you can ask me for ip.
If you are interested in scripting and/or you are willing to help us you can contact me on msn (cc.acidburn@gmail.com) or our owner marco on msn (marco-hoek@hotmail.com) or on skype (eazy2me)
Thank You for Reading
Possible scripters reply here with your contact info.