Need a Mapper

I would like to find an experienced mapper who would like to be part of a community. Do not post here if your looking to map for money. I can map my self but I want to focus more on scripting then on mapping and by finding a mapper I would be able to start forming a small community. In the past I always wanted to make my own stuff but by forming a community I think it is some thing fun and more teamwork is involved.

If your interested Pm me or else, leave a comment down below.


You can ask my friend his name thefatshizms skype id = thefatshzims

Hey there i will be your new mapper
im very experienced in interriors,race,maps,island and so on just take a look on my profile
btw what gammode your server will have ?

I recommend that you contact a Bradley_Whalen. He is a VERY EXPERIENCED mapper.

Originally Posted by redreaper666
Посмотреть сообщение
Hey there i will be your new mapper
im very experienced in interriors,race,maps,island and so on just take a look on my profile
btw what gammode your server will have ?
I will be making a Roleplay Srver but I am planning to make a Stunt server also, just to experiment some stuff and I will release it . By the way umm can you contact me on skype khibs11 or pm me thanks a lot


To other threads -> Please tell them to contact me thanks a lot

Skype: khibs11
Or else Forum Pm

Thanks for the feedback!!

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