10.03.2012, 14:57
hello. I've used RyDeR's function to make antiswear for cmds. It works for text but not for commands :S It should work for commands like this: Player A writes: /adminchat FUCK, and the text will be ****. Doesnt work, it doesnt gets replaced.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (!iSpawned[playerid])
return ShowInfoBox(playerid, "~w~Jus dar ~r~negalite ~w~rasyti, pirmiausia prisijunkite!"), 0;
if (iCommandSpam[playerid] + 1000 > GetTickCount() && iCommandSpam[playerid] > 0)
return ShowInfoBox(playerid, "~w~Pries naudojant komanda vel, palaukite ~g~sekunde!"), 0;
iCommandSpam[playerid] = GetTickCount();
return true;
pawn Код:
stock ChangeSwear(Text[], Symbol = '*')
new iWords = sizeof(BadWords), i;
for (new BadWord; BadWord != iWords; ++BadWord)
while ((i = strfind(Text, BadWords[BadWord], true)) != -1)
for (new x = (i + strlen(BadWords[BadWord])); i != x; ++i)
Text[i] = Symbol;
return true;