Helicopter hoist?

Hi all,

SA:MP version 0.3d has come out a while ago now.
One of the new features they added was : You can surf on objects attached to moving objects and objects attached to vehicles.

Now I was wondering, does this function allow us to make some kind of hoist for a helicopter?
I think the only hard part is finding a rope. I was thinking about those ropes that are flexible, used on the crane at SF docks(near the carrier). If you could use that rope, then you could find some object that can hold people(AttachObjectToPlayer). Then, according to the new feature disription above, you should be able to "surf" on an object attached to the rope, wich is attached to a vehicle. In this case, a helicopter.

What do you guys think, I would love to have this! This is not a scripting request, if its possible I'll try and script it myself. I just need youre opinion.

Yours sincerely,

Objects attached to objects or vehicles can't be moved.
If you attach an object A to another object B you can only move the object the others are attached to (in this case object B).

To do what your attempting I guess we would need AttachPlayerToObject as the object it self is already attached to a vehicle.

Originally Posted by Infamous
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This doesn't even exist
But as I said, you can not move attached objects, only the object they're attached to.

Originally Posted by Drebin
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This doesn't even exist
Exactly i was saying that would be the required function if we had it. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my post.

Oke sorry for all that bullcrap.(im new to scripting)

I know there isnt a function like MoveVehicleObject (le me wants it!), but what if you attach a certain object to a vehicle and move it every milisecond a little bit. You can do that by repeating the process of : AttachObjectToVehicle every milisecond and every time you repeat it, the x,y,z changes a little bit and stays correct according to the vehicle position.

That way it looks like the object attached to the vehicle is just moving naturally.
What do you think? Could you give me an example script? Im not really good with timers.

Thanks in advance

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