Two questions?!?

Hello guys I have two questions.Why when I write /cellin the phone doesn't appears but the anim for picking up the phone appears

Here is the script for the command:

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/cellin", true) == 0)
     return 1;

The second question is how to make when person buy drink from the sprunk machine or he play in casino I want to make money to be returned.

bump ? I really need this command

Important: For servers that use SPECIAL_ACTION_USECELLPHONE. This special action will no longer display the cellphone model in the player's hand. This has been done so that other objects can be used in place of the cellphone, such as the custom phones originally added in 0.3c. To replicate the old behaviour of this special action, please see the script below:

if(strcmp(cmd, "/usecell",true) == 0) {
    SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_USECELLPHONE);
    SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 4, 330, 6); // 4 = attachment slot, 330 = cellphone model, 6 = right hand
    return 1;
if(strcmp(cmd, "/stopcell",true) == 0) {
    SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_STOPUSECELLPHONE);
    RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 4);
    return 1;

Thanks it worked can you tell me how to make when person buy drink from the sprunk machine or he play in casino I want to make money to be returned.

Restrict them from using it by removing the objects or placing blocks to block them.

Thanks for helping but I want to make this when person buy drink from sprunk machine server automatically returns the 1 dollar


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