[Tutorial] How to create a speedometer

How to create a speedometer

Hello, this is my tutorial to make a simple textdraw speedometer. It measures in MPH. I suggest you read the tutorial and dont just copy paste but read it and retype it yourself since you learn the most from it.

Step 1:
Create all new's for the floats and the textdraw.
pawn Code:
new Text:Speedometer[MAX_PLAYERS] //This will create a textdraw for every player
new Float:svx[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:svy[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:svz[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is for getting the speed of the car
new Float:s1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new s2[MAX_PLAYERS];
new s3[MAX_PLAYERS];
new stimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
Step 2:
Forward the speedometer timer:
pawn Code:
forward speedometer(playerid);
Step 3:
Creating the textdraw by placing this under onplayerconnect:
pawn Code:
Speedometer[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(10.0, 200.0, " "); //Create a empty textdraw since the textdraw only shows a value when driving in a car
TextDrawFont(Speedometer[playerid], 2);//Set the text font.
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Speedometer[playerid]); //This gotta be in there otherwise speedometer wont show up.
Step 4:
Now lets create the public where we created the forward for.
pawn Code:
public speedometer(playerid)
    GetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), svx[playerid], svy[playerid], svz[playerid]); // This Saves Our Velocitys To Our Varibles
    s1[playerid] = floatsqroot(((svx[playerid]*svx[playerid])+(svy[playerid]*svy[playerid]))+(svz[playerid]*svz[playerid]))*100; // This Is Our Forumula ( I Don't Know How It Works but i found it on internet )
    s2[playerid] = floatround(s1[playerid],floatround_round); // Round the output off to a whole number
    format(s3[playerid],32,"%i MPH", s2[playerid]); // The textdraw string
    TextDrawSetString(sdisplay[playerid], s3[playerid]); // The actual changing of the textdraw
    return 1;
Step 5:
Detect if a player is in a car and if he is show the textdraw
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
{ // This Is The Callback That Is Called When A Person Changes State
    KillTimer(stimer[playerid]); // This Stops Our Timer For When You Get Out Of Your Vehicle Your Speed Doesn't Keep Going
    TextDrawSetString(Speedometer[playerid], " "); // This Sets Our Textdraw To Blank And Freezes Because We Stop The Timer ^
    if(newstate == 2) stimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("speedometer", 255, true, "i", playerid); // This Starts The Timer When The Player Changes His/Her State To Being The Driver
    else if(newstate == 3) stimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("speedometer", 250, true, "i", playerid); // This Start The Timer When The Player Changes His/Her Start To Being The Passenger
    return 1;
This is actually all there is to it.

Greetings Thimo

not good, why don't you take a look on my speedometer? Less variables, getting speed is easier and code is better

Well this is a BASIC speedometer

Originally Posted by thimo
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Well this is a BASIC speedometer
I know but I mean on speed in my speedometer not whole speedometer (Fuel, gears, speed...)

You are using a stock for getting a player's speed. Is this going to be faster in performance?

I will agree with System64 because it has many variables and I have already a lot.
You have a undefined symbol
pawn Code:
new sdisplay[MAX_PLAYERS]
Also, why do you use the variable like this?
pawn Code:
// ---
format(s3[playerid],256,"%i MPH", s2[playerid]);
1024 bytes for this text only? Waste of memory.
An array of 32 is enough.
Although, you explained it good.

Originally Posted by Dwane
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I will agree with System64 because it has many variables and I have already a lot.
You have a undefined symbol
pawn Code:
new sdisplay[MAX_PLAYERS]
Also, why do you use the variable like this?
pawn Code:
// ---
format(s3[playerid],256,"%i MPH", s2[playerid]);
1024 bytes for this text only? Waste of memory.
An array of 32 is enough.
Although, you explained it good.
The undefined is fixed... i got this out of my GM so it was different. And about the 256, i will change it to 32
And btw Thanks for your comment

Bumper sticker

I'm afraid that the speedo meter you're tryin to teach us in this tutorial dosent works, test the code yourself first.
Thank You.


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