Need help: House System

Im working on donating stuff on my server, and i need a house system. I have no clue how to make this, so i need help.
This is what i need in it:

Rcon Admins are the only one who can create houses
Must be able to create house icon
Must be able to add house owners name above house icon
Chance interior
Add password if a player wish so.

Please check out the server: Rented at ServerFFS

Please use the search feature, there is many tutorials that will teach you this. No one is going to script this for you as it takes a long, long time.

Good luck.

(Example of a house system tutorial:

Thank you, but im not looking for a house system where you can't buy and sell! It is going to be a house where you just can enter and leave.

Do you have any experience with scripting?
If so, what?

And on-topic. Check out the codes of some house systems to see how they do it, and then try to create your own one.

I have some experience yes. I have made my own game mode which i have got prett good response on.

Then house shoudlnt be a prob, i made my gamemode and house sysyem really usnt that hard

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