04.02.2012, 18:06
* 4 Maps - Shipment, Factory, Wetwork, Dam
* 1 Gametype - Team Deathmatch
* Admin System
Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Version 1.2 Skipped
Version 1.3 Skipped
Version 1.4 Skipped
Why is it an Engine
Im calling it Engine because i'll give many updates to updates the script, Maps, Gametype, System, etc...
New Features
First of all, The new admin system arrived! Yes a new admin system with new 5 commands:
!makeadmin [id] - Promote a player to Admin (Rcon Only)
!removeadmin [id] - Demote a player from being Admin (Rcon Only)
!Kick [id] [reason] - kicks a player
!ban [id] [reason] - bans a player (Using IPs)
!map [mapname] - Changes to another map (Dam, Shipment, Wetwork, Factory)
You might already noticed: Commands prefix changed from '/' to '!' - To make the gameplay smiliar to call of duty.
The script now working with JaTochNietDan's FileManager include & plug-in (Can be found in the download link / here)
And a new map Added - Dam. Scoll down for picture...
Also, all the in-game commands moved to the filterscript 'admin.pwn', the admin system.
And new command added, /kill - kill yourself.
Dam Loading Screen
Requirements (All included in download)
1. IQ over 70.
2. Dutils.inc by DracoBlue
3. Incognito's Streamer 2.6
4. FileManager 1.2 by JaTochNietDan
5. Samp Server Files
Download via Mediafire
InferNus`(Hellhound / aGhillieSniper) - Creating the Engine.
Incognito - For the amazing Streamer
DracoBlue - For dutils.inc
JaTochNietDan - For the File Manager
Version 1.5 [ADDED] Map "Dam" Added [ADDED] New Admin Script added [PREFIX] Commands prefix changed from '/' to "!" (Example: /help > !help) [MOVED] All commands moved to filterscript admin.pwn Version 1.1 [ADDED] Map "Factory" Added [ADDED] Map "Wet Work" Added [FIXED] When Player Connected when the Game Ends the The Overall scores being Shown, He won't se the Scores.