29.01.2012, 21:39
Последний раз редактировалось Gh05t_; 27.02.2012 в 20:40.
Highly Recommended: Backup your gamemode (.pwn file)
What is this?
pawn_protect.exe is an application in which formats your .pwn file to unreadable code in which may only be deciphered through a code from values of 0 - 700. The application seems to be most useful to those whom are extremely 'careful' regarding their script.
1. Download the application.
2. Extract the application to the folder containing your gamemode (.pwn).
3. Execute the application.
How to use?
Special Thanks
Kyosaur - Support and help whenever needed.
Note: The source is C++, NOT PAWN related material. I've managed to make it as less redundant though the algorithm in my opinion is completely absurd but is the only way I could have thought of. Some techniques used are frowned upon by myself including some c-style methods, usage of goto etc. If you have any questions, comments, please feel free to post.
What is this?
pawn_protect.exe is an application in which formats your .pwn file to unreadable code in which may only be deciphered through a code from values of 0 - 700. The application seems to be most useful to those whom are extremely 'careful' regarding their script.
1. Download the application.
2. Extract the application to the folder containing your gamemode (.pwn).
3. Execute the application.
How to use?
- Type format (case sensitive) to format your .pwn file to a .pwn2.
- Type access (case sensitive) to convert your .pwn2 file to a .pwn.
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void enc(char * _cEnc, int _shf); void dec(char * _cDec, int _shf); void enc(char * _cEnc, int _shf) { for(int i=0; _cEnc[i] != '\0'; ++i) _cEnc[i]+=_shf; } void dec(char * _cDec, int _shf) { for(int i=0; _cDec[i] != '\0'; ++i) _cDec[i]-=_shf; } int main (void) { string _input; string _filename; int _code; system("title script_protect.exe"); cout << "Author: Gh05t\nDate Published: 1/28/12\nVersion: 1.0.0\n\n"; EXECUTE: cin >> _input; if(_input == "format") { cout << "Filename: "; cin >> _filename; string _pwn_filename = _filename + ".pwn"; //append... ifstream file(_pwn_filename.c_str()); if(!file.good()) { cout << "[Error]: " <<"unable to retrieve " << _pwn_filename << "! \n\n"; file.close(); goto EXECUTE; } else { CODE: cout << "Insert a code (values from 0 - 700): "; cin >> _code; if(_code < 1 || _code > 700) { cout << "[Error]: invalid code.\n\n"; goto CODE; } string _pwn2_filename = _filename + ".pwn2"; //format... ofstream _pwn2_filecreate(_pwn2_filename.c_str()); string _data; char _cStr[999999]; ifstream _file_1; _file_1.open(_pwn_filename.c_str()); ofstream _file_2; _file_2.open (_pwn2_filename.c_str()); cout << "Formatting..." << endl; while(_file_1) { getline(_file_1, _data); //cout << _data << endl; strcpy(_cStr, _data.c_str()); //to char... enc(_cStr, _code); _file_2 << _cStr << endl; } _file_1.close(); _file_2.close(); file.close(); cout << "Formatting completed!\n" << endl; remove( _pwn_filename.c_str() ); goto EXECUTE; } } else if(_input == "access") { cout << "Filename: "; cin >> _filename; string _pwn2_filename = _filename + ".pwn2"; ifstream file(_pwn2_filename.c_str()); if(!file.good()) { cout << "[Error]: " <<"unable to retrieve " << _pwn2_filename << "! \n\n"; file.close(); goto EXECUTE; } else { CODE2: cout << "Code: "; cin >> _code; if(_code < 1 || _code > 700) { cout << "[Error]: invalid code.\n\n"; goto CODE2; } string _pwn_filename = _filename + ".pwn"; ofstream _pwn_filecreate(_pwn_filename.c_str()); string _data; char _cStr[999999]; ifstream _file_1; _file_1.open (_pwn2_filename.c_str()); ofstream _file_2; _file_2.open(_pwn_filename.c_str()); cout << "Formatting..." << endl; while(_file_1) { getline(_file_1, _data); //cout << _data << endl; strcpy(_cStr, _data.c_str()); //to char... dec(_cStr, _code); _file_2 << _cStr << endl; } _file_1.close(); _file_2.close(); file.close(); cout << "Formatting completed!\n" << endl; remove( _pwn2_filename.c_str() ); goto EXECUTE; } } else if(_input != "format" || _input != "access") { cout << "[Error]: invalid command(_input)\n\n"; goto EXECUTE; } goto EXECUTE; }
Kyosaur - Support and help whenever needed.
Note: The source is C++, NOT PAWN related material. I've managed to make it as less redundant though the algorithm in my opinion is completely absurd but is the only way I could have thought of. Some techniques used are frowned upon by myself including some c-style methods, usage of goto etc. If you have any questions, comments, please feel free to post.