Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

I have an idea. He could introduce a new style and DIALOG_STYLE_FORM DIALOG. Would it actually fielded a dialogue which would be more inputtexts. Sorry for bad english (this is from ****** )

Is suggest this:
CreateProjectile(Projectiletype, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz);
Projectiletype will be a weapon to use the projectile from

This will make custom weapons more easy to make (like on helicopters)

Meaby add a function for Custom projectiles too

A better way if implementing physics would be something like SetObjectVelocity.
Or client side scripts that could update at a faster frequency and just be triggered by a single server side function call, that way you could make intricately moved objects and animations without using bandwidth!

Sounds Great,Nice Idea

Originally Posted by FireCat
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pawn Код:
It wouldn't be a seperate function, it would be a parameter in SetPlayerCheckpoint like the size.

Originally Posted by FireCat
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pawn Код:
Why, when you can just disable and re-set the checkpoint?

Originally Posted by FireCat
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pawn Код:
AreSirensOn(vehicleid); // for cop vehicles
Function sounds weird, GetVehicleSiren or something would sound better.

Originally Posted by FireCat
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pawn Код:
SetTrafficLight(color);//red, green or yellow.
Wouldn't you need to specify which traffic light? I'd suggest something like RemoveBuildingForPlayer, using coordinates.

Here are a few suggestions:

Client side speedo meter to reduce network usage (and make it server controlled so let the server decide if it appears with kmph or mph or not at all)

Make PlayAudioStream able to play playlists and repeat them till StopAudioStream is called

Let AttachObjectToVehicle actually attach a object to the vehicle body because it attaches it now to the wheels!

My suggestion :
Callback OnScreenRender

Object limit should be unlimited..

Originally Posted by MicroD
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My suggestion :
Callback OnScreenRender
Do you know how frequent the screen renders?
And you realise this will be sent to the server each time?
That's a lot of bandwidth being wasted, you already have OnPlayerUpdate which is close enough

Add a virtual world parameter to createexplosion. Because the function now pierces through all the worlds.

pawn Code:
native DisableClassSelection();
End of.


Part is intended for Money, Armour, Health, Weapon etc.

pawn Code:
callback would be nice. Granted some people wouldn't want this to run all the time, there could also be
pawn Code:
ToggleCameraUpdate(playerid, toggle)
As of now OnPlayerUpdate isn't called frequently enough for scripts requiring hastily-updated camera positions.

My suggestion is adding more objects for using AttachObjectToPlayer.
For example: Drums, microphones, the weapon models

I'm sure this has been suggested before but I personally would prefer to see clientside scripting, allowing us to make fully customized GUI and such.

Originally Posted by oliverrud
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I'm sure this has been suggested before but I personally would prefer to see clientside scripting, allowing us to make fully customized GUI and such.
Yes. Client-side scripting would be great. Imagine the possibilities..

Fading textdraws
GUI systems
Accurate timers

The argument people have is that OOOH PEOPLE HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THEM PEOPLE DONT WANT TO WAIT TO PLAY but seriously that's BS. AMX files are about 10KB, it'd transfer in about 0.01 seconds.

I know there is a topic for suggestions, but it's just 300 pages of 'plz add x' 'plz add x' 'plz add x' most of which will take time to develop, will be buggy, or probably won't even be considered because it's not needed.

This suggestion is extremely small, but it really would be extremely useful.

At the moment, this is what happens when a player's nametag is in the same position as a textdraw on your screen:

I think there should be an option to change this, perhaps TextDrawSetOverlap or whatever the function may be called. I'm not sure if it's possible to do, but it would be extremely nice if it did. I'm not sure if it should/could/would be disabled by default, but at least an option.

Before you reply saying "this is a small problem the samp devs have better things to do" - I'm sure they could fit it in. Its not like they're on a budget and a schedule.

SetWaveHeight(Float:Height); - Set the height of the wave, like in MTA
GetWaveHeight(Float:Height); - Get the height set
SetWaterLevel(Float:Level); - Set the level of the water
GetWaterLevel(Float:Level); - Get the level of the water
SetWaveSpeed(Float:Speed); - Set the speed of the waves
GetWaveSpeed(Float:Speed); - Get the set speed of the waves

These would work for many servers & an idea i have.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Yes. Client-side scripting would be great. Imagine the possibilities..

Fading textdraws
GUI systems
Accurate timers

The argument people have is that OOOH PEOPLE HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THEM PEOPLE DONT WANT TO WAIT TO PLAY but seriously that's BS. AMX files are about 10KB, it'd transfer in about 0.01 seconds.
You can make it by yourself... I've made mine..

PS: Don't mind the thing about the license plate it's just something i had to show to a friend, actually one idea...

Edit: But offcourse I didn't made it in PAWN... it was made in C++, ppl have to download .asi files, mine's about 164 KB, excluding images...

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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SetWaveHeight(Float:Height); - Set the height of the wave, like in MTA
GetWaveHeight(Float:Height); - Get the height set
SetWaterLevel(Float:Level); - Set the level of the water
GetWaterLevel(Float:Level); - Get the level of the water
SetWaveSpeed(Float:Speed); - Set the speed of the waves
GetWaveSpeed(Float:Speed); - Get the set speed of the waves

These would work for many servers & an idea i have.
With the client side plugin, anyone can make... Atleast the first and second I'm sure they can be made, because i made it

Originally Posted by SlashPT
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With the client side plugin, anyone can make... Atleast the first and second I'm sure they can be made, because i made it
The whole point of making a suggestion in this thread in the first place is so that people will not have to do that...

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