Please help me

[21:18:46]  ======================================== 
[21:18:46]  |                                      | 
[21:18:46]  |  Could not connect to update server  | 
[21:18:46]  |    at this time, (your code will     | 
[21:18:46]  |   still work (response was 006)).    | 
[21:18:46]  |                                      | 
[21:18:46]  ======================================== 
How can I fix this ?
i use y_ini

Like it says, your code will still work. Just ignore it. I assume ****** may be having a few issues with his server/update mechanism or something. I'm not sure though, so don't quote me on it - but I do know that your code will start work!

yes, i know that, but i want to fix that, i don't need to see that !
You say... it is still work perfectly ?

It will still work perfect, and you can't fix it. It will go away.

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