01.01.2012, 16:29
Последний раз редактировалось InferNus`; 03.01.2012 в 15:18.
VersionsVersions 1.1
What's ie4mp
ie4mp (InferNus` Engine 4 MultiPlayer) is a full server pack, of Call of Duty for Sa:mp. It's a GameMode, Includes Maps & Gametypes.
This Version is 1.0, And have Only 1 map and Only 1 Gametype.
* 1 Map - Shipment
* 1 Gametype - Team Deathmatch
Why is it an Engine
Im calling it Engine because i'll give many updates to updates the script, Maps, Gametype, System, etc...
Team Deathmatch: Every kill adds 100 points to your Team. Customize the Score, Custom Classes, Players will choose a Default class when Spawned.
Featured Loading Picture:

1. IQ over 60.
2. Dutils.inc by DracoBlue
3. Incognito's Streamer 2.6
4. Samp Server Files
Download via Mediafire
InferNus`(Hellhound) - Creating the Engine.
Incognito - For the amazing Streamer
DracoBlue - For dutils.inc
If the Player joins When the Game Ends, He might be Buggy.
Will be fixed Next Version. Post a bug Report here, Or send me a Private Message.
Have fun!