Why not to host at extreme-servers

Ok, let's get started.
Extreme-servers is a 'new' hosting company owned by a member of this forum. Most of you will know him as 'kikito', who is currently named array13.

First of all, let's tackle their 'website'.
Their website consists out of bits and pieces taken from other websites, glued together with bad English.
An example of this is the logo they use for their SA-MP hosting plans:

Those who have been here for a while will immediatly recognize this from serverFFS.

Now you are probably wondering what the problem is with his English. It is my opinion that a site (especially those who offer paid services) could at least spell check their site. As an example, below is their home page, in which I have highlighted some of those mistakes.


About us!
Extreme-servers is specialised in hosting sa-mp servers, But we also provide Minecraft and webhosting!
We are a international company, we are hosting our clients on powerfull servers with 4GB Ram DDR3 with Intel Core Cpu's!
We started hosting our clients on the last month, and we are doing our best to give to our clients 100% uptime and all support that our clients need!

Our servers locations:
At this moment we are hosting all of our clients on France and United States of America, on 100mbps network!

And this was only the homepage...

Anyways, let's continue for a bit. I think most of us will agree that a real dealbreaker is the attitude of the owner. The attitude of extreme-servers' owner, kikito, sucks to say the least. First of all, he has been trolling and ranting on other hosts for quite a while, an example is his rant about jihost, which can be found here. (Please note that I'm not really a fan of JiHost, but the stuff on the given link is just so bad that it's funny.)

I've also had the 'pleasure' to have had a quick talk with kikito/array13 on IRC. Below are a few quotes of this talk, just to give you a quick taste of how he will respond to would you ever need him.


[15:28:38] <array13> if i advertise my fucking host, i get banned
[15:29:01] <G4M3Ov3r> You have a host ?
[15:29:11] <array13> no, i have a ass-.-
[15:29:32] <array13> how is the owner of the fucking extreme-servers
[15:29:32] <array13> me

Below,woot was making fun of his site (The one which rants about jihost)

[15:30:12] <woot> "Their control panel sucks, if you see, they do not have $$ to buy a gamecp license."
[15:30:14] <woot> xddddddd
[15:30:25] <G4M3Ov3r> +1 woot
[15:30:27] <array13> the jihost one
[15:30:28] <woot> what
[15:30:29] <array13> HAHAHAHHAHA
[15:30:36] <woot> you dont even geddit
[15:30:42] <woot> using gamecp is worse than making an own one.
[15:30:53] <array13> orly?

Dugi joined the conversation, and they ranted about some random other host using the same template as extreme-servers:

[15:31:58] <woot> im not a jihost fan but one can clearly see that jihost looks better than http://extreme-servers.net/
[some stuff about the second website]
[15:32:32] <@dugi> yeah extreme-servers is not better either
[15:32:41] <@dugi> they use game icons from serverffs
[15:32:46] <array13> orly?
[15:32:47] <G4M3Ov3r> Ye lolz

(I have shown this above)

Now, after a while of just looking at it, I decided to join this madness:

[15:32:52] <Infinity> At least ji-host took the effort of spellchecking their stuff
[15:32:56] <array13> where?
[15:33:35] <Infinity> Also, that rant site could use a spellcheck as well

Back to the legendary line on the anti-jihost site:

[15:34:05] <woot> Their control panel sucks, if you see, they do not have $$ to buy a gamecp license.
[15:34:08] <woot> this is fucking legendary.
[15:34:16] <woot> i need to print that out
[15:34:18] <woot> brb
[15:34:24] <G4M3Ov3r> lol woot
[15:34:38] <woot> ok
[15:34:40] <@dugi> their control panel sucks, if you see?
[15:34:42] <@dugi> wat
[15:34:45] <woot> forever in my mind
[15:34:48] <woot> hey dugi
[15:34:50] <@dugi> what if you cant see!
[15:34:53] <Infinity> This is like saying
[15:35:06] <woot> would you prefer a custom panel or use a ugly gamecp with lots of features youll never need
[15:35:10] <Infinity> "Their server sucks, they don't even have the $$ to buy vbullitin"
[15:35:16] <woot> xd.
[15:35:27] <Infinity> That's what it comes down to

And now I became serious: (Shit got real!)

[15:37:44] <Infinity> But array13, do you own extreme-servers?
[15:38:04] <array13> You want to see the truth? IM co-owner
[Some more talk about the FFS-picture]
[15:38:28] <Infinity> Anyway, do you have a test server?
[15:39:06] <Infinity> O, wait, this is kikito's
[15:39:08] <Infinity> I remember now
[15:39:18] <G4M3Ov3r> array13 is kikito
[15:39:22] <Infinity> Yeah
[15:39:27] <array13> fail lol
[15:39:36] <Infinity> He doesn't have any idea of how a hosting company works*
[15:39:40] <Infinity> Yet he rants about others.

* I feel the need to explain this one. Back when kikito got the idea of starting his first hosting company (I believe it was called blackspeed. Anyone remebers? No? Good.) he asked every little hting here on the forums. As naive as a child, he assumed that this would be a simple task, not knowing, nor wanting to know, anything about stuff like securing your client's files and information. Ya know, the serious stuff.

Some more of his attitude, the name 'FireCat' got mentioned.

[15:39:47] <G4M3Ov3r> He's the one who keeps fightin with FireCat and gets banned lol
[15:39:57] <array13> firecat is a noob kid
[15:40:00] <array13> a mother fucker
[15:40:11] <Infinity> And you're so mature?
[15:40:51] <Infinity> And kikito, I can't even find one sentence on your site that doesn't have a (simple) English spelling and/or grammar mistake
[15:40:52] <array13> Infinity is a retard
[15:41:03] <G4M3Ov3r> Lolz, in my point of view.
[15:41:05] <G4M3Ov3r> You're a child
[15:41:05] <Infinity> So who's the retard now?
[15:41:12] <array13> You
[15:41:15] <array13> noob
[15:41:24] <Infinity> The one who is smart and professional enough to at least spellcheck their site
[15:41:51] <Infinity> Or the kid who still doesn't know how to run a hosting company, makes a failing site using bits and pieces collected from other sites

I bet that you want to visit his forum-profile to tell him he sucks, right? Well, too bad, We can't. At this moment I received info that he asked dugi to delete his forum account. A week or two ago, we ha da nice little talk about how well this all packed out for Max-Coldheart, who left because he got insulted alot and bladiebla, tried to draw a lot of attention and came back witin 24 hours under a new name. (Which he uses mostly for trolling)

So I decided to talk about that. Because I can!

[15:42:18] <Infinity> array13, do you know Max_Coldheart?
[15:42:29] <array13> Yes, it's your wife
[15:42:35] <array13> noo
[15:42:35] <Infinity> .
[15:42:36] <array13> i mean
[15:42:36] <G4M3Ov3r> lol'ed ^
[15:42:39] <array13> you are is wife
[15:42:42] <array13> his*
[15:42:50] <Infinity> dugi: I request this idiot to be abnned, instead of his account to be deleted.
[15:42:55] <Infinity> We've bee over this multiple times
[15:42:58] <Infinity> *been
[15:43:00] <G4M3Ov3r> Infinity, why are you even bothering replying to him ?
[15:43:13] <Infinity> G4M3Ov3r: he wants his forum account to be delted
[15:43:18] <Infinity> Means: hes gonan ask for attention
[15:43:22] <Infinity> Then he ragequits
[15:43:31] <Infinity> Then he will come back in a fail attempt to be the hero
[15:43:48] <Infinity> array13: here goes
[15:43:56] <array13> Infinity suck your dad
[15:44:00] * array13 (Mibbit@irc-47C77126.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[15:44:04] <Infinity> lol

So, do you want to be hosted by a guy who talks like that, acts like that, knows that much and puts that much effort into it?

If you want to admire his site, take a look at this:

(My apologies for any spelling mistakes in this wall of text, I wrote this in a rush. Merry Christmas!)

Funniest. Host. And. Owner. Ever.

So anyway, this made me laugh, where he insults JiHost (Which is actually a poor host, but lets leave that there) http://stuntevolution.info/fails/jihost.html

And paying 10Ђ for a 100 slots game server, you can buy a vps on http://domvps.com for less.

So, i go to check for Extreme-Servers.
$15 for 100 slots, at current currency conversion, that is around Ђ11. So even more expensive than JiHost.

Well played Extreme Servers.

(ps: kingj ftw)

I agree.

i dont belive that you should check grammar mistake to get a host.... and also he is not from england ... there are lots of people that they have hosting but they have a little grammar mistake like me... id rather to check their hosting quality to decide for buying sa-mp servers and... how is JIHost's hosting quality? is it good?

Just shut up, alot of host's are using icons, like ServerFFS. ServerFFS aint the first host, using that icon.
There aren't any rule, which says that we shouldnt make a page saying that we shouldnt host on ex. JiHost, on another website. Maybe on here, but not on other pages. Just shut up, you aint better.


Originally Posted by rooney12
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Just shut up, alot of host's are using icons, like ServerFFS. ServerFFS aint the first host, using that icon.
The icon was made specifically for serverFFS by its site designers. It has just been copied multiple times by many hosts who are too cheap and lazy to make their own and put a little effort into it.

actually kikito is from Portugal.

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Just shut up, alot of host's are using icons, like ServerFFS. ServerFFS aint the first host, using that icon.
There aren't any rule, which says that we shouldnt make a page saying that we shouldnt host on ex. JiHost, on another website. Maybe on here, but not on other pages. Just shut up, you aint better.

Ignore this post, because kikito is hosting him free server.

I am totally not agreeing with this thread and this mentions(in the upper/main post).
I get hosted there and i think its a good company, low prices, good support, and a good friendship with the owner.
You wont find a hosting company quick where you get a good friendship with the owner do you?
And about that chat thing, maybe he talked like that one time, because he was upset of being banned for nothing..

So people, dont listen to what this thread says, its a very nice, cheap, and friendly host!

Originally Posted by Redirect Left
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The icon was made specifically for serverFFS by its site designers. It has just been copied multiple times by many hosts who are too cheap and lazy to make their own and put a little effort into it.
Can you prove that its made for ServerFFS? Well, i dont think so..

Anyways this post is reported, and im expecting it to be deleted as soon as somebody visits this.

Originally Posted by int3s0
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Ignore this post, because kikito is hosting him free server.
Hosting me free server?! LOOOOOOL! Where did you got that from?

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Hosting me free server?! LOOOOOOL! Where do you got that from?`!
If I'm not wrong, kikito had this in his signature few weeks ago:

"currently working on epic project with rooney12
contact me for more information"...

Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson*
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I am totally not agreeing with this thread and this mentions(in the upper/main post).
I get hosted there and i think its a good company, low prices, good support, and a good friendship with the owner.
You wont find a hosting company quick where you get a good friendship with the owner do you?
And about that chat thing, maybe he talked like that one time, because he was upset of being banned for nothing..

So people, dont listen to what this thread says, its a very nice, cheap, and friendly host!
Agree 100%. Ive also having a host from them. (AND THATS PAID INT3SO) The owner is very friendly, and the support is good. Actually i would say perfect. No lag, nothing. I would never quit this host.

Originally Posted by Ironboy500[TW]
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If I'm not wrong, kikito had this in his signature few weeks ago:

"currently working on epic project with rooney12
contact me for more information"...
Originally Posted by int3s0
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Ignore this post, because kikito is hosting him free server.
Yeah but working together does not mean "Giving a free server"

Originally Posted by Ironboy500[TW]
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If I'm not wrong, kikito had this in his signature few weeks ago:

"currently working on epic project with rooney12
contact me for more information"...
Well, that content is for a server we're going to start!

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Can you prove that its made for ServerFFS? Well, i dont think so..
Can you prove otherwise? I don't think so..

Anyway, it is pretty obvious it was done, because when serverFFS was first being setup with that design, i spent a lot of time talking to its owner, who was immensely proud of the work he and his designers had done.

Originally Posted by Redirect Left
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Can you prove otherwise? I don't think so..

Anyway, it is pretty obvious it was done, because when serverFFS was first being setup with that design, i spent a lot of time talking to its owner, who was immensely proud of the work he and his designers had done.
You are saying that its for serverffs. Its on ******, just take it!!

Originally Posted by Redirect Left
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Can you prove otherwise? I don't think so..

Anyway, it is pretty obvious it was done, because when serverFFS was first being setup with that design, i spent a lot of time talking to its owner, who was immensely proud of the work he and his designers had done.
idk but maybe he asked if he may use that pictures..?

Their website is down now.

Originally Posted by aminj
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i dont belive that you should check grammar mistake to get a host.... and also he is not from england ... there are lots of people that they have hosting but they have a little grammar mistake like me... id rather to check their hosting quality to decide for buying sa-mp servers and... how is JIHost's hosting quality? is it good?
Of course hosting quality is way more important. But mistakes like the ones shown above just show a lack of effort. The least he could do is write it in a text editor like Microsoft Word, and runa spell check on it, that'd help his site improve big time.

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Just shut up, alot of host's are using icons, like ServerFFS. ServerFFS aint the first host, using that icon.
There aren't any rule, which says that we shouldnt make a page saying that we shouldnt host on ex. JiHost, on another website. Maybe on here, but not on other pages. Just shut up, you aint better.

If you haven't niticed yet, all the icons there use exactly the same icon. If you still don't believe they were made for Woet, then take a look at this: https://www.serverffs.com/other/
The logo for the Hosted Tab i also using the same layout. This logo was made when FFs used to be the only hosted list provider.

And I don't care if a rule exists or not, that's not the point I am trying to make. What I am saying tis that kikito is basicly insulting companies, trying to pulll them through the dirt, while his site is far worse.

And yes, i'd probably do better if I had the time to open a hosting company. Could we please keep it calm now?

Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson*
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I am totally not agreeing with this thread and this mentions(in the upper/main post).
I get hosted there and i think its a good company, low prices, good support, and a good friendship with the owner.
You wont find a hosting company quick where you get a good friendship with the owner do you?
And about that chat thing, maybe he talked like that one time, because he was upset of being banned for nothing..

So people, dont listen to what this thread says, its a very nice, cheap, and friendly host!
I'm not talking about becoming best buds with the owner, but I generally don't even think of giving my money to a guy who, when I ask him a question, tells me to scuk my dad's penis.

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