[HELP] Antimations BUG

Hy everyone, I am using a RolePlayer gamemod server, and I have a Animations 160+ v.1.2f, and it work great!!! But I have a little problem with that script!!! When I use any Animation, the player next to me see an animation. But in my view, the charter(my man) is standing normaly(I dont see the animation)!!!!

Can anyone give explain to me, how i fix that or you do it for me?? PLEASE

Sorry for my bad English! :S

Can you show some of the code for an animation?

Yes, here is the code of Animation "/sit"


if(strcmp(cmd, "/sit", true) == 0)
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { return 1; }
if (!strlen(cmdtext[5])) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_USAGE,"TIP: /sit [1-4]");
switch (cmdtext[5])
case '1': BackAnim(playerid,"PED","SEAT_down",4.1,0,1,1,1,0, ;
case '2': LoopingAnim(playerid,"MISC","seat_lr",2.0,1,0,0,0, 0);
case '3': LoopingAnim(playerid,"MISC","seat_talk_01",2.0,1,0 ,0,0,0);
case '4': LoopingAnim(playerid,"MISC","seat_talk_02",2.0,1,0 ,0,0,0);
default: SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_USAGE,"TIP: /sit [1-4]");
return 1;


That is a code!

EDIT:REMOVED - BUmping after a short time. Will be posted again in a few.

Learn some manners and wait people are replying as you bump your post.

Mmhmmm. What is the LoopingAnim code? It's not native therefore you must show me that as well. Sorry, I'm too lazy to search for the Filterscript and figure it out myself.

Seems like the guy above knows what's wrong... I'll leave it to him, because I have no idea

Can I see your stock for LoopingAnim please?

Yes but IceCube! i dont know what is LoopingAnim :S Explain me ))

Go into Pawno open your script.

Press Control + f

Type in the box: Stock LoopingAnim(

Then copy the whole code to the end of the stock.

Then post it here.

okej! just a minute

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