Help Please

ok people can someone help me with this bit of code,it would be much appreciated
CMD:myveh(playerid, params[])
    new Query[300], pname[24], vID;
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
    format(Query, sizeof(Query),"SELECT vID FROM `vehicles` WHERE `vOwner` = '%s' ", pname);
    if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) {
        while(mysql_fetch_row(Query)) {
            sscanf(Query, "p<|>i",vID);
//			printf("VID:\t\t%i", vID);
            for(new i=1;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++) {
                new iMsg[128];
                if(strmatch(vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)][vOwner], pName(playerid))) {
                    format(iMsg,sizeof(iMsg), ""#CRED">"#CORANGE"'%s' "#CDGREEN"You Own Model:"#CORANGE"%i"#CDGREEN " CarID:"#CORANGE"%i"#CRED"<",pName(playerid),vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)],vID);
    return 1;
And this is what im getting

but i have been trying to get it to show like this

can anyone help me please

try to add SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,iMsg); out of loop... something like that:

pawn Code:
CMD:myveh(playerid, params[])
    new Query[300], pname[24], vID;
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
    format(Query, sizeof(Query),"SELECT vID FROM `vehicles` WHERE `vOwner` = '%s' ", pname);
    if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) {
        while(mysql_fetch_row(Query)) {
            sscanf(Query, "p<|>i",vID);
//          printf("VID:\t\t%i", vID);
            for(new i=1;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++) {
                new iMsg[128];
                if(strmatch(vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)][vOwner], pName(playerid))) {
                    format(iMsg,sizeof(iMsg), ""#CRED">"#CORANGE"'%s' "#CDGREEN"You Own Model:"#CORANGE"%i"#CDGREEN " CarID:"#CORANGE"%i"#CRED"<",pName(playerid),vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)],vID);
    return 1;
i dont now is it going to works.. but try

Yer cheers for that,but it doesnt send SendClientMessage part,it seems to read the model numbers twice,but reads the veh id once,but not matter what i have tried,i cannot get it to show model then the id for that vehicle and the others you would own

just thought i would bump this and see if anyone has any ideas

hey, I am not sure why you saved the vehicleid in mysql since it is total useless there

To get your wanted result you only need
pawn Code:
CMD:myveh(playerid, params[]) {
        i = 0,
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
    while(++i != MAX_VEHICLES) {
        if(strmatch(vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)][vOwner], name)) { // strmatch ?
            format(iMsg,sizeof(iMsg), #CRED ">" #CORANGE "'%s' "#CDGREEN "You Own Model:" #CORANGE "%i" #CDGREEN " CarID:" #CORANGE "%i" #CRED "<", name, vInfo[OwnedVeh(i)], i);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, iMsg);
    return 1;

If I knew MySQL I would gladly help you out, but sadly I don't. But trying the above coding, they should work fine for you as I'm reading threw them.

Cheer Nero_3D,that worked a treat,i have just started to use mysql,so im still on a long learning curve,the more i learn,the more i forget

Brandon cheers for your input,thats is the reason i have started to try and understand mysql and how it works,because i am trying to make a complete mysql gamemode using mysql in my spare time,so due to my available spare time,i should finish in 2015 lol

Originally Posted by fubar
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Cheer Nero_3D,that worked a treat,i have just started to use mysql,so im still on a long learning curve,the more i learn,the more i forget

Brandon cheers for your input,thats is the reason i have started to try and understand mysql and how it works,because i am trying to make a complete mysql gamemode using mysql in my spare time,so due to my available spare time,i should finish in 2015 lol
Same here, I have been reading tutorials every single day so I can understand how MySQL (and myself) will understand the way MySQL function, possibly helping other with it some day.

Yer i seem to have got the understanding of mysql,but now i have forgotten how to use pawno

Nero,in case you where wondering what 'strmatch' was used for.....
stock strmatch(const String1[], const String2[]){
	if ((strcmp(String1, String2, true, strlen(String2)) == 0) && (strlen(String2) == strlen(String1))){
		return true;}
		return false;}}
it is surposed to check 2 string to see if they match(i think anyways,but doesnt work very well for me,but thats just me)

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