15.12.2011, 15:08
Last edited by Gagi_Corleone; 01/02/2014 at 05:19 PM.

This is our first filterscript
If you have any suggestions or you find bugs for this filterscript tell me
And sorry for my bad English
+Ping kicker - max ping is 500 you can change it just find MAX_PING
+Anti spam - players can spam but they will be kicked
+Simple Anti swear - You can put your words and players can't write that swear
+VIP System - There is 3 VIP levels: Bronze VIP,Silver VIP,Gold VIP
+RCON support - You can use /rsupport and you can: change server name, change map name, change web adress, LOCK/Unlock server,restart server,change RCON pass, turn off server
+Register & Login - Reg and Login is into dialog and udb_hash for hash password
+BanLog - All bans has saved into /GiDan/Bans.txt
+AskLog - All questions has saved into /GiDan/AskLog.txt
+Warn system - After 5 warns player will been kicked and all the time when he connect
+Skin,Warns,Admin.... - all data are stored into /Players
+Spectating - When spectate somebody textdraw appears to the left side with player informations
Photo for spectating

+Countdown - With command /count you can put how much time to count
+Admin - 5 admin levels
Admin Commands
Level 1:
/duty - Player can be on duty and off duty
/ban - Ban player
/kick - Kick player
/goto - Teleport to player
/[un]mute - Mute player and he can't speak
/getip - Get ip from some player
/slap - Slap player
/amsg - Send answer to player or some message
/achat - Chat between admins
/gotopos - Go to positions x,y,z,interior
/clearchat - Clear chat for all players
/count - Simple countdown system where
Level 2:
+Admin level 1 commands
/announce - Text with gametext for all players
/[un]freeze - You can freeze some player
/spec[off] - Specate players and there is textdraws
/heal - Set your health to 100
/setskin - Set skin to player
/eject - Eject player from vehicle
/setvhealth - Set vehicle health of some player
/jetpack - Use jetpack
Level 3:
+Admin level 1 commands
+Admin level 2 commands
/kill -Kill a player you have chosen
/warn - Warn some player when he have 5 warn he will be kicked
/setwtime - Change time for all
/porthere - Port player to you
/amoney - Give money to player
/aweapon - Give weapon to player
/fixcar - Fix car for admin
/setcarcolour - Set color of vehicle
Level 4:
+Admin level 1 commands
+Admin level 2 commands
+Admin level 3 commands
/unban - Unban player
/unbanip - Unbanip
/killall - Kill all connected players
/explode - Explode a player
/healall - Heall all connected players
/armourall - Armour all connected players
/rac - Respawn all cars
/disarm - Disarm a player
Level 5:
+Admin level 1 commands
+Admin level 2 commands
+Admin level 3 commands
+Admin level 4 commands
/setadmin - Set admin to player
/allips - All ips of connected players
/portall - Port all connected players to admin
/setscore - Set score a player
/setweather - Set wather a player
/kickall - Kick all players
/gmx - Restart the server
/muted - All muted players
/frozenp - List of all frozen players
/setvip - Set VIP to player
VIP Commands
Bronze VIP:
/vfix - Fix your car
/vvehcolor - Change color of you car
/vbike - Spawn bike (player choose bike)
/vipheal - Heal player
/varmour - Give armour to player
/vchat - Chat for VIP players
Silver VIP:
+Bronze VIP commands
/vskin - Change skin to choosen
/vweather - Change weather to choosen
/vtime - Change time for player
/vcar - Spawn car(player choose car)
/vjetpack - Player use jetpack
Gold VIP:
+Bronze VIP commands
+Silver VIP commands
/vheli - Spawn heli (player choose heli)
/vnos - Add nos to vehicle
/vplane - Spawn plane(player choose plane)
How to...
1) Make yourself admin
2) Make new VIP commands
-Connect to server and register new account
-Then log in RCON admin
-Use /setadmin [Player ID/Player Name] [Level]. Max level is 5
YCMD:vchat(playerid, params[], help) { #pragma unused help if(P_Data[playerid][VIP] == 0) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You need to be VIP player!"); //Put 0 for Bronze VIP player, < 2 for Silver VIP player and < 3 for Gold VIP player //There what to do in command return 1; }
Download. Click.
Y_Less - sscanf,foreach,YSI
Gagi and Danijel96.pwn - Make this filterscript
Peinneon - When I saw his VIP system I got the idea to create and VIP system
Karike - Example for countdown
Pacino - Some help with GPS
Incognito - Streamer
Update 1.1
Anti Health hack - Tested
Anti Armour hack - Tested
Vote Kick /votekick | /vote and /stopvote for admins with textdraw
Photo for VoteKick

Black list - Type /addblack [Player name] and he will be added into GiDan/BlackList
AFK system - Use /afk and /back if you more then 10 min AFK you will be kicked you change this #define AFK_TIME 10
Added /fakeban
Dynamic GPS System - We are make dynamic gps system commands /gpsadd and /gps.
Ban System - Now all bans saved in folder GiDan/Bans/Player_name.ini and if player try to connect he will be kicked
Dynamic 3DText label - Now in game you can create/remove 3dtext with commands /add3dtext and /remove3dtext
/admins command fixed
Dynamic Pickups - Create pickups IG
When admin click on player he can ban/kick/make admin to that player
Click here for download