04.12.2011, 19:35
Last edited by BlackWolf120; 08/12/2011 at 12:28 PM.
hi SAMPers 
Due to some requests via pm and the need of an anti-spam script myself i decided to make one and also post it as a tutorial as it seems there wouldnt be any good anti spam scripts released.
I dont like any additional timers in my gamemode, so i didnt use any in this script as well. (except the automatic unmute timer)
So, what is this tutorial about?
This tutorial shows you how to make a simple and effective anti spam for your server chat (you can use the same method/variables also for a command anti spam ofc
) without any timers.
Difficulity: Easy
So lets get started:
Thats pretty much it! You wont see any spammers on your server anymore 
Sometimes i suck at explaining so in case you didnt understand smth. i would be glad to help you.
Comments and suggestions are appreciated as well
I hope this will be helpfull to some of you.
Best regards, wolf.

Due to some requests via pm and the need of an anti-spam script myself i decided to make one and also post it as a tutorial as it seems there wouldnt be any good anti spam scripts released.
I dont like any additional timers in my gamemode, so i didnt use any in this script as well. (except the automatic unmute timer)
So, what is this tutorial about?
This tutorial shows you how to make a simple and effective anti spam for your server chat (you can use the same method/variables also for a command anti spam ofc

Difficulity: Easy
So lets get started:
pawn Code:
new SpamCount[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ChatSpamTime[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
new muted[MAX_PLAYERS];
//How long it takes a player gets unmuted automatically (in minutes):
#define AutoUnmuteTime 2 //You can adjust this to your needs ofc ;)
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])//This Callback is called as soon as a player types smth. into the chat.
if(muted[playerid] == 1)//If the player has been muted he will get this message:
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You have been muted!");
return 0;
if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel]==0)//To prevent admins beeing muted. Ofc you have to adjust this!
AntiSpam(playerid);//A stock function we will set up later...
//Your other chat codes here...
return 1;
pawn Code:
stock AntiSpam(playerid)//stock function
SpamCount[playerid]++;//Everytime a player types smth. in the chat this variable gets increased by one.
switch (SpamCount[playerid])//switch between the SpamCount variable.
case 1://If a player types smth. into the chat for the first time...
ChatSpamTime[playerid][0]=gettime();//Get the unix timestamp and save it into a variable.
//ChatSpamTime[playerid][0] this variable is our first variable. The array is "0" for the first one not "1"!
case 2://If the player types smth. into the chat the second time...
if((gettime()-ChatSpamTime[playerid][0])<4)//We check if the Time between the players first and
//second chat is more or less than 4 seconds. In case the player chatted faster than 4 seconds
//We will give him his first warning ...
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You have received a warning (1/3)! (Reason: Spam)");
ChatSpamTime[playerid][1]=gettime();//and we save his chat time again to another variable.
//Lets take a closer look at this: gettime()-ChatSpamTime[playerid][0].
//We use gettime() to get the current unix timestamp and we simply subtract the time we
//saved before (as the player chatted the first time). Always make sure to subtract the older
//timestamp from the newer one as the newer timestamp is always bigger!
else SpamCount[playerid]=0;//If the player needed longer than 4 seconds to send another
//chat message we reset his SpamCount variable bac to 0. (as he is obviously not spamming or a very slow spammer ;) )
case 3://If the player types smth. into the chat the third time...
if((gettime()-ChatSpamTime[playerid][1])<4)//We check how long it took the player to send another message after the 2nd one.
//If the player send another message faster than 4 seconds he is obviously spamming and we give
//him a 2nd warning as we dont want to be that cruel to spammers right? ;)
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You have received a warning (2/3)! (Reason: Spam)");
ChatSpamTime[playerid][2]=gettime();//Again save his chat time for this message to another variable.
else SpamCount[playerid]=0;//In case the player calmed down, reset his SpamCount variable.
case 4..50://In case the certain player gets the idea to spam again...
new string[128],name[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid,name,24);//Save the spammers name into the string variable "name".
if((gettime()-ChatSpamTime[playerid][2])<4)//We get sure again if it took the player less than 4 secs.
//If so then ...
format(string,sizeof(string),"Player %s has been muted for 2 minutes! (Reason: Spam!)",name);
//We send a message visible for all players...
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You have received your final warning (3/3)! (Reason: Spam)");
//Send the player another warning messsage ;)
muted[playerid]=1;//we mute him
SetTimerEx("AutoUnMute",AutoUnmuteTime*60000,false,"i",playerid);//And finally set the timer for the automatic unmute.
//==> 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute. So AutoUnmuteTime that has been defined on top of the script can be used
//with minutes (you dont have to enter the time in milliseconds but in minutes)
//Lets take a closer look at this: case 4..50:
//A player could possibly get a higher SpamCount variable than 4, in this case he wouldnt be muted!
//But its impossible to chat 50 times within 4 seconds right? ;)
return 1;
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
SpamCount[playerid]=0;//Reset the SpamCount variable so no player can get muted wrongly after connect!
muted[playerid]=0;//same for mute variable!
return 1;
pawn Code:
forward AutoUnMute(pID);//forward our timer.
public AutoUnMute(pID)//This is our timer that unmutes the muted player automatically.
muted[pID] = 0;
//Unmute the player and inform him about the new circumstance ;)
SendClientMessage(pID, 0xFF0000FF, "You have been unmuted automatically!");
return 1;

Sometimes i suck at explaining so in case you didnt understand smth. i would be glad to help you.

Comments and suggestions are appreciated as well

I hope this will be helpfull to some of you.

Best regards, wolf.