[GameMode] [GameMode] LVDMod: MG(+Langrab) + bounties+banks+gangs+spawnweapons+...

I modified LV MoneyGrub and added a bunch of stuff. You can hold the pirate ship to gain money, and you can buy most of the interiors along the strips for a constant stream of money (list can be viewed with /properties). You can put a price on someone's head with /hitman and see what bounty someone has on their head with /bounty. You can visit ATMs in convenience stores and bank money with /bank, withdraw money with /withdraw and see how much you have in the bank with /balance. You can buy weapons to spawn with with the /buyweapon command in the Ammunation and see the weaponlist for weapons to buy with /weaponlist. All of these things have checkpoints that will tell you what to do so you don't have to remember all the commands and it should make things easier for people. Type /help to start out and /commands to see a list of (most of) the commands. Oh, also if you go to try gamble you will be shot and killed because gamblers are dirty sinners. Enjoy Mongrub with a lot more stuff to do.

There are now gangs in the mode as well as some other stuff I'm sure I don't rememeber. Type /gangcommands to get the commands you need to use.


sounds perfect... except the last part, can you tell me where can I remove the code that, "kills you when you gamble"

I hate gamblers and I should tell you to go find it your damnself! But you just need to comment out/remove the line:

SetTimer("GambleUpdate", 5013, 1);

The extra stuff you've done for this rocks.
It's now running on littlewhitey's SA-MP server


I saw a recent edit on your first post, but I don't see an updated .pwn file. Is this correct or is the .amx file the only one updated?

Cause I can't find anything about gangs in the 'new' pwn file.

Btw, the script rocks! Got it running on my server right now.

Really nice gamemode ! But will u update it at anytime so we can have more properties ? That would be cool . And i realized that the whitey Server is constantly full u have sometimes no chance to connect . So here is another server pls fill it up . By the way congratulations for your awesome work !

HostName: Chillpoint.nl Linux Server [100 Mbit]
Players: 5 / 60
Ping: 50
Mode: LV DM~MG+Landgrab
Map: San Andreas.

The version I had up was pretty old I think, just put up the brand new one cus I found some hosting. Not sure how old it was, but this one has gangs in it, so you can start a gang and prefix your text with ! for gang-chat. Probably other stuff, just remember /help /commands and /gangcommands should have all you need to know.

Thanks, I got the newest version up and running right now, on the Chillpoint server.

hey, This grubmode is cool dude. I just found a bug, nobody will report it, so I'm gonna do that.

You can pause in the ship and earn money until you come back. I dunno how to fix it :/

Nice work Sintax, your script is much appreciated by me and the players in the server Keep up the good work!

Really fun played now 4 hours today that mode ! It is awesome ! Hunting the hitman ( "The_Taker" hadnt much fun at the chillout server bounts of 99999999 was set at him )! Create gangs ! Store money alone or within the gang ! that unbelievable work ! and very stable i think ! had have no crash ( with 10-15 ppl ) ! hope u will update it and make more stores buyable !

Keep up the good work


Possibility close properties ? and buy guards ?

nice work cant wait for ther next update

how do you change the mode? ive installed it and that

hmm back again lol
ok if u bank ur cash do u keep it for next time u join the server or do u lose it?

no you dont ive got it now on my server and its soooooooooo cool

hey pm me ur ip and i join u lol its ok i see it lol

No savable stats? You should put that in.

The stats are saved! For a few minutes at least, I didn't want you to lose everything if you crashed, but I don't want them permanently saved either because then eventually everyone will be loaded.

I just put up a new version that saves your weapon stats (used to just be money, bank, and bounty) and gives you your property money back if you get disconnected, as you lose the property then.

hey nice work man but is there a way to save ur bank money so u can carry on if u join from a later date


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