19.11.2011, 08:40
i know that there was many spams on this but anyway i will try to explain.
well i dont have time to add more but i will try to add more and explain more......
hope that it will help new scriptrs...
or as my scripting name Ninjaa
thanks for looking at this
pawn Код:
// lets try a simple command like heal
if(strcmp, "/heal", cmd, true, 10) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100); // so what is this thing? set player heal? what does it mean? it means that when player command /heal its setting hes hp 100
// so if you want to do that command it will look like that:
if(strcmp, "/heal", cmd, true, 10) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100); // Do you see the set player health? we explaind it up there :)
return 1;
// now do think how do we do /kill? so its very easy! just copy the whole heal command and on the playerid, 100 you
// replace the 100 with 0 and the /heal with kill. easy right?
// got it?
// now lets do some other commads.
// here is a command that if player wants a kick, he will get if for sure :).
if (strcmp("/kickme", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) {
{SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33FF33AA, "you wanted a kick and got it :D");
Kick(playerid);return 1;}
// now you want pepole to see those commands right? very simple!
if (strcmp("/commands", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFBB00,"Commands: /kickme /heal ");
return 1;
// sendclinetmessage? what the hell is that?
// it means that it sends the player (playerid) what that you wrote there!
hope that it will help new scriptrs...
or as my scripting name Ninjaa
thanks for looking at this