15.11.2011, 15:00
I try to do a comanda that you can transfer your money into an another account if it exists. I make this in dialogs. But here is the problem, when i type the PlayerName, where i want to transfer my moneys, the dialog don't make any move. I type the PlayerName and dialog dissapear and don't do anything.
Here is my dialog( It's just dialog response ):
I try to do a comanda that you can transfer your money into an another account if it exists. I make this in dialogs. But here is the problem, when i type the PlayerName, where i want to transfer my moneys, the dialog don't make any move. I type the PlayerName and dialog dissapear and don't do anything.
Here is my dialog( It's just dialog response ):
if ( dialogid == MoveStats6 ) { if ( !response ) return 1; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "s[128]", inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, MoveStats6, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Move Stats", "{E60000}ERROR: {ACACAC}Trebuie sa scrii numele player-ului caruia vrei sa-i transferi statisticile!\n\n{ACACAC}Acum scrie {E60000}numele jucatorului{ACACAC}, caruia vrei sa-i transferi statisticile( Bani )!", "Transfera", "Iesire" ); if ( IsPlayerConnected( inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, MoveStats6, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Move Stats", "{E60000}ERROR: {ACACAC}Playerul trebuie sa fie deconectat ca sa ii poti transfera banii!\n\n{ACACAC}Acum scrie {E60000}numele jucatorului{ACACAC}, caruia vrei sa-i transferi statisticile( Bani )!", "Transfera", "Iesire" ); if ( inputtext[ 0 ] == playerid ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, MoveStats6, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Move Stats", "{E60000}ERROR: {ACACAC}Nu poti sa-ti transfer tie banii!\n\n{ACACAC}Acum scrie {E60000}numele jucatorului{ACACAC}, caruia vrei sa-i transferi statisticile( Bani )!", "Transfera", "Iesire" ); if ( GetPlayerMoney( playerid ) == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: Ai 0 bani, deci nu poti transfera banii! {ACACAC}Actiune Intrerupta!" ); new pMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid ); new file[ 128 ], str[ 256 ]; format( file, 128, "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", inputtext[ 0 ] ); if ( !udb_Exists( inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) { format( str, sizeof( str ), "{E60000}ERROR: {ACACAC}Accountul cu numele %s nu exista!\n\n{ACACAC}Acum scrie {E60000}numele jucatorului{ACACAC}, caruia vrei sa-i transferi statisticile( Bani )!", inputtext ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, MoveStats6, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Move Stats", str, "Transfera", "Iesire" ); } else { ResetPlayerMoney( playerid ); GivePlayerMoney( inputtext[ 0 ], pMoney ); format( str, sizeof( str ), "SUCCES: {ACACAC}Ti-ai mutat toti bani pe numele %s", inputtext[ 0 ] ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, str ); } }