10.11.2011, 16:36
Последний раз редактировалось System64; 29.11.2011 в 11:25.

Hi all

I started creating this admin system because I saw a lot of good admin system and I wanted my own to make!
This admin system is not so good (I mean there is no a lot of features like LuxAdmin, Z-Admin, 0Admin...)
So these are some basics, admin system is for stunt server but you can edit it for RP (I mean a there is no a lot of commands for RP mods, everything was scripted for stunt servers because I'm building my own stunt server!)
Have fun and enjoy!
- Register and login in dialogs using MySQL
- Commands for players
- A lot of commands for admins
- 3 admin levels: Gamemaster, administrator & head!
- Custom ban system
Necessary things
MySQL Plugin by G-Stylezz aka BlueG
y_commands by ******
sscanf by ******
foreach by ******
Pastebin (v1.0.0)

Mediafire (v1.0.0)

Solidfiles (v1.0.0)

- System32 - Almost everything!
- The Guy - Helped me a lot, thank you!
- ****** - y_commands, sscanf & foreach!
- G-Stylezz (BlueG) - MySQL plugin!