[FilterScript] [FS] Tramplins Spawn


It\'s an in-game map editor, Just find the ID for an ramp and type /mcreate <ID> then you can rotate it with /rx, /ry, /rz 0-360 you can also use - to rotate it backward (counter-clockwise). You can also use /ox, /oy, /oz to move the object. /ox will move it via the X Axis, Y for Y Axis and Z for Z Axis. While in-game while looking north/south X Axis is to the left and right, Y is forward and backward and Z is up and down. You can also read on the topic for more/better information. REMEMBER TO CREDIT MABAKO!!!

// Dealman

the trampoli shows only for the player not for all

can you edit it to show the trampoli show\'s for all?

i can\'t compile script to

Originally Posted by kevinsoftware
the trampoli shows only for the player not for all

can you edit it to show the trampoli show\'s for all?
i think you can remplace CreatePlayer Object by CreateObject
But i see how declare Object because he compile tell
"number of arguments does not match definition"

see ya

i cant edit it

it go to wrong

Hi, i have this scripts running on my server but i have a question:

#include <a_samp>

forward DelObj(playerid,Obj);
public DelObj(playerid,Obj)DestroyPlayerObject(playerid,Obj);

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	if ((newkeys & KEY_FIRE)) {
		if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {
			new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
			new Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:az;

			GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), az);
			x2 = x + (10 * floatsin(-az+5, degrees));
			y2 = y + (10 * floatcos(-az+5, degrees));
			new Obj=CreatePlayerObject(playerid,1245,x2,y2,z,0,0,az-90);
			SetTimerEx("DelObj",1500,0,"d d",playerid,Obj);

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	print(" De[M]oN\'s [FS] Tramplins Spawn");
	return 1;
How can i place the ramp a little bit further away?
i use now id 1655 becose its bigger. and i set the timing to 3000.

Im NOT sure, but try

x2 = x + (20 * floatsin(-az+5, degrees));
y2 = y + (20 * floatcos(-az+5, degrees));

as use pastebin I need to know it I am a novice or somebody podria to raise it Internet please aah another thing but I put it in filescript?

Omg Thanx and i think you from cheatengine.

Great MAn. but how I can rotate them because I was changed the object id to 1633.

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