[Tutorial] How to create your own vehicle system

Oops, I totally forgot about this tutorial, just got reminded by someone who PMed me about it

@Dirkon: The error is caused by a stupid mistake i made.
stock CreateVehicleEx(modelid, Float: x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawntime, ownername[20])
has to be
stock CreateVehicleEx(modelid, Float: x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawntime, ownername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME])
of course, and the array size of owner in carDataEnum has to be MAX_PLAYER_NAME too. (I also updated the first post now)

@bijoyekuza: The owner is what you set in CreateVehicleEx, and you can simply get it with carData[vehicleid][owner]. The code you made should do it.
For a /park command just change the x/y/zspawn coordinates for carData[vehicleid], as well as the rotation of it (anglespawn) and add this to the top of your OnVehicleSpawn callback:
pawn Code:
SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, carData[vehicleid][xspawn], carData[vehicleid][yspawn], carData[vehicleid][zspawn]);
// This will teleport the vehicle to its updated spawn position on spawn
SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, carData[vehicleid][anglespawn]);
// and sets it rotation to the stored spawn angle.

Could you make car respawning cmd example?

Originally Posted by Dirkon
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Could you make car respawning cmd example?
Respawning the car itself isnt hard. It is just

But in order to make it fully compatible with this system you have to add the lines I posted before in your OnVehicleRespawn, so it spawns at the right coordinates, if you change them in the script.

SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid); Just Respawns vehicle where it was when I started the server. What I want to do is lets say /parkvehicle (already done this) and the when I type /respawnvehicles vehicles would respawn at the parked places. I tried to make /respawn like this:
pawn Code:
if (strcmp("/respawn", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        return 1;
But it doesn't really work. When I respawn vehicles for a first time everything seems to be fine, but when I try to respawn them for the second time all cars gets doubled.

P.S. sorry for possible grammar mistakes.

pawn Code:
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(178) : error 017: undefined symbol "ini_CreateIniFile"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(179) : error 017: undefined symbol "ini_SetInt"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(180) : error 017: undefined symbol "ini_SetFloat"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(182) : error 017: undefined symbol "ini_CloseIni"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(178) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "iniid"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : error 017: undefined symbol "LoadVehicle"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
C:\Users\Atar\Desktop\car.pwn(201) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Is useful for the newbie good job !

Yeah this Car System Is useless.. No Replies... heh

Nice job.

Bringing this back to the top.
There seems to be a bug in the GetFreeVehicleSlot, when I create a user's vehicle, I get put in an other car at LSPD :O

This is not work for me either. The stocks don't work for 100% and in this is not a tutorial, because it does not learn you how to make it work.

Originally Posted by [PC]henkie[NL]
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This is not work for me either. The stocks don't work for 100% and in this is not a tutorial, because it does not learn you how to make it work.
My Point Exactly.....

Bumping answers

Originally Posted by [PC]henkie[NL]
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This is not work for me either. The stocks don't work for 100% and in this is not a tutorial, because it does not learn you how to make it work.
Then explain what the problem is with them. As I said at the very beginning this was a topic answer, and not a planned tutorial, so it is written for the guy who asked for it, and might not be perfect understandable for everyone.
So it depends on feedback and problem reports if I can update it.

Also the vehicleid of created vehicles isnt stored in this tutorial, and this is a quite big disadvantage for most uses: The "carid" used in these stocks is NOT the vehicleid used in samp.

Really good.

Scripting a new vehicle is not hard ( you can in a fact put one object and some handling, colliders and thats it ) but I love how this topic is more then that. ( Yes I made a ,,cowcar,, witch was not bad in one way, but in another way, all players that loved farming hated how much it's handling is retarded (copied the one from Tractor). I mean I didn't want to place Infernus handling. It would be weird. A cow faster then a car :P
Anyways, this is a really solid 10/10. I don't know how much it took you for the other stuff but it's genius. I would never think to make it more then just object with handling. Great work! +REP

No errors but car doesnt appear on server , where I put , when I compiled no errors , I made exactly like you ! Help ? +rep

Veery veery nice, good job dude!

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