12.09.2011, 20:34
Last edited by park4bmx; 14/08/2018 at 04:33 PM.
Reason: New Release
mCtrl has more/too many capabilities than show here, a full guide/Tutorial can be found here
M-Control Panel Change Log V1.9.4 Fixed the VPS Connection setup window Fixed "Tamir.SharpSSH" DLL not loading(faulty registration certificate/key) V1.9.3 Major CORE fix of the SAMP Query, now able to show any letters/Symbols) convertred to UTF8 Fixed the "Chat Control" ListView not displaying the output Fiexd The "Debug" always reporting "server not found" Fixed The "Attempt Fix" It Cleaned the CFG file after finished Added an automatic search for plugins loaded in server.cfg but not found in "plugins" directory Start up issues(crash) MORE undocumented fixes and improvements... V1.9.2 Added Textbox suggestion to the FS/GM that can be loaded. Brand new update version of the Design themes. Including alot inner bug fixes. Fixed the scrolling on the "Server Package" itemes, also change the design Fixed the Exit Window to function correctly. Changed the way the server is started to improve handling. a small system allowing M-Ctrl to work with multiple servers on the same machine_ by choosing the process you want to control. Condition check improvements to TestMode V1.9.1 Change to the BackUp, Sorting out information better & faster Added more Error handler to the Backup & its converter. Backup files are now saved on your system so you don't have to remember the information. Fixed the BackUp downloaded to store the files in the correct folder. Basic File error handler were added. More error handling to the mConnect. ======================================================================== V1.9 A Brand New "Server Maintenance" form to keep track of the server services info. New System that show's the loaded/unloaded start up Filterscritps, which can be change easily Added a Server 'Test Mode', which will turn of the server when compiling & restart it when done! Fix Server Debuger to read only .dll's Fix Server Debuger to Show currectly the warnings listbox Start up loading data in the backround increasing start ut time. Added File verification Check to the "information" form/window Fixed support for mHouse Majore Core system fixes. Backup enscryption imrpoved, also added more handlers. New System "mConnect" allowing to control your server from anywhere mCtrl is running. Developed mRemote, supporting background activity for the "mConnect"_ allwoing you easy control over your server just like you would use it on the main(host) machine. mShield connection hasher for the mRemote. Added a Firewall port openner. Impruvements in mCtrl's settings. Startup impruvemetns, faster start up! Another new system called "Server Maintenance" it keeps the server on check of its performance and has the ability to change its priority to_ perfome faster(if allowed by user!). Has meters of memmory usage,cpu,reading,writing usage/speed. Impruvemetns to the mCtrl's "Test Mode" ========================================================================
Main New Features
- A Brand New system (mConnect): Allowing two mCtrl application's to connect with each other
- New Background connection system handler (mRemote): Allowing mConnect to Pass/Retrieve all the mCtrl features you would use on the main server(host) machine
- New (Server Maintenance) system: When running it keeps track of the server's performance and it has the ability to change the server's priority in order to perform better(only allowed by user!)
- Added a Firewall port opener
- Major mCtrl core fixes.
- Added a server (Test Mode): Allowing you to script without needing to worry about stooping the server when you need to script something or compile, as soon as mCtrl detects your Gm or loaded FS it will stop the server until the compile finishes.
- Remake of the (Server Packages): This new system is a lot faster and neater, allowing you to post your FS to a database either public or private so other users can download it directly from mCtrl and it will install automatically
NOTE: if mCtrl is crashing when trying ti access the VpsControl or Server Maintanance, go to File/Information/Verify Files it will let you know if any .dll files are missing
What can i do with it ?
Start/Stop/Restart: You can start your server with just 1 click .
Connecting To your server is now very easy all the needed information is now received with 1 click.
Auto Restart: When the server detects that the "samp-server" has stopped working will restart it!
Server Maintenance: Speed your server's perforce and also allowing you to monitor it.
Vps Control: mCtrl can connect with you VPS machine and allow full Sftp/Shell control over it, including a build in consol.
Server Manager: Allows you to have as many servers as you want and change control them with one mCtrl open.
mConntrol leave mCtrl running in one place and control your server from another just like you would use it on the main server(host) machine.
mBackUp: Store any ".txt,.pwn,.amx" into secure backup server, before any upload all files are encrypted and verified(mCtrl lets you see the encrypted file before upload)!
Firewall Port Opener: open chosen port in your firewall.
Server Packages: Choose any FS that are uploaded on the the FS Package server's from their authors and download them directly, also allowing you to install them with a few simple clicks.
FS/Gm Changer change your loaded/unload FS/GM directly from the app with a few click's
Server Debugger: if your server is not able to run or go online mCtrl can debug it see the main reasons for which the server is not running e.g. missing plugins
Auto Update: Brand New build in Update System which will keep the program up to date.
Server Log: You can easily view you LOG files
Add On's Has configurations to work with mREGV0.8,Server Control Panel (FilterScripts)
Quick Join: You can join in your server without opening samp
mReh/mHouse: Full support for easier access to their userfiles
Server Clean Up: clean up server files with one click
Rcon Control: Once connected with your server you will be able to have full control: (All Function are done Without joining or using the server console!)
- Send Message to the server.
- Un/Load/Reload FilterScripts
- Change Host Name
- Change Map Name
- Change GameMode Text
- Ban/UnBan Players
- Set Gravity
- Set Weather
- Change Rcon Password
- Change WEB Url
- Change Server GameMode
- Set Player Position
- Set Player Score
- Set Player Money
- Send Player a personal message
- Customer Parameters To Server
VPS Connect:
NOTE'S before use! [V1.8](or higher)
Adding Filterscripts/Gamemodes to the database requires you to have a verification key.
Key: Vy_ghe/5@s;
Verification key changed: 22/05/2014
If you want to protect your FS/GM so no one else can changes any of the information on the database there is a feature that can password protect your information(password is HASHED!).
- M-Control PanelV1.9.3[32bit/64bit] (3000+ downloads
- M-Control PanelV1.9.4[32bit/64bit] (VPS Connection FIX)
[NOTE] 11/06/17 My Server's are currently down so some function of the application might not work, although i have anticipated this and this can be solved by using your own server, just go into (Tools > Settings > Core Settings) and input your VPN/Server settings there.