Server.cfg+samp-server.exe issues...

Well recently I started to get into the SA-MP scripting language. I've made scripts, and they don't have errors, just warnings (and the warnings are just I didn't use certain variables that I haven't gotten down to scripting). Anyway, I seem to be having issues loading filterscripts into my server ever since I installed 0.3d RC3 yesterday. Everytime I enter
"filterscripts WhateverMyFilterScriptsNameIs" into my Server.cfg file, there's an error when I launch the samp-server.

It says it's loading my filterscripts, but it never finishes, it just sits there. And for some reason, it won't load a certain filterscripts I downloaded, one that shows what location you're in. Here's the link if you wanna check the script.

I've checked around and haven't seen anyone with this error before, so what could be going on?? The samp-server runs fine when I remove filterscripts but I don't want to just throw everything into the gamemode.

Not sure but maybe samp-server doesn't have permissions to acces the filterscripts

What do you mean? Why wouldn't it have permissions?
And how would I fix it so it would?

Make sure you have the .amx file of the filterscript in your /filterscripts folder.
Also names in server.cfg are case sensitive, so if the filterscript is called 'Hello' and you try to load 'hello' it won't work.

I'm not mispelling it. When I do, it says "Failed to load filterscript." But with this, it says "Loading filterscript:" then whatever its name is then stops. I can sit there for hours, and it'll have the same text down there "Loading filterscript" with absolutely nothing following it. I checked the spelling, I changed its name even thinking underscores weren't allowed in names, but it still fails to load >.<

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