Retrieving Info - Ports Forwarded

I've forwarded the ports for SA-MP. However, on the client my server shows "(Retrieving info...)" (even though the ping shows and the server is connectable via iport) when both using my iport and and I don't understand why.

I've checked the ports with port checker, and it returned this:
Ping Result: We were not able to ping your computer.
Port Check Result: Your port is OPEN on this computer.

So is this ping thing the problem? What do I do to resolve this?

Have you checked your firewall?

I don't have a firewall on my computer (the router does, but the port forward should've taken care of that for SA:MP).

EDIT: Tried viewing it with router firewall off and the problem still remains.

Oh, sorry. Turns out setting "query" to 1 solved it. That wasn't required on my last internet setup.


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