nice to see that it helped...
sad to know that you learned from a bad teacher!!! why?
coz i have to admit: i suppress all warnings 203 (symbol never used) and 204 (symbol is assigned a value that is never used) at compiling, by providing the -w203 -w204 compile options parameters, coz if i dont do that, i will get like >80 warnings.
since i rescripted my gamemode 3 times yet in 2 years, there are always things (arrays, variables, callbacks, even commands!) left from the "precessor". doing that is a stupid behavior - which evolved at times where saving 2 copies of a file was not that "cheap" and fast as it is today. i always worked with ONE file, and just compressed a backup like filename_20110924 and copied it to a floppy disc

by doing this, i got used to keep all shit in my gamemode. dont ever repeat my faults! its HARD, yet almost impossible, to get rid of keeping trash in the source! clean up your code! comment it out, or remove the unused variable lines entirely, then you will get a clean compile report ^^
btw: it will be no surprise to you when i tell you that my gamemode.pwn is 600KBytes and 18800 lines only, but its .amx size exceeds 13MBytes? it even needs a stack/heap size greater than 16 KBytes, but thats not the problem. it can be really annoying to know that you need to waste 1 whole freakin minute to copy your 13MB gamemode to the server with 120 KBytes/second only, knowing that half of 2 minutes (oh dear, thats 1 - for real hah) is just spent on copying unused array cells?
if you ever intend to outsource some scripts, like changing your lotto script into a filterscript, DO IT

you rarely want to change a working script, so why need to script around/compile/copy-to-server it each time? plus: a filterscript can be released ^^