Problem in my server

The server works fine when nobody is online. as soon as someone spawns.. and they go play for a bit.. and they die and come back.. around 10million vehciles spawn infront of the spawn and the server at that position HANGS -.-

i got pictures

Parking lot (Before)-

scene of the parking lot where players hang

Any idea why this happens

i got 4 Fs' one for admin one for all the server commands one for all server objects and one for server cars
note* there are cars in the gamemode also there is a total of 20 cars

Try unloading your filterscripts to see if they cause it.

see i noticed the cars which are respawning in huge numbers.. what i did is i removed all of them.. then the GM started wroking fine... but i want those cars.. and i dont see any error anywhere this started happening 7 dasy back

well the players hang like that when they spawn on each-other so one moves and the other can move as for the cars hmmm i dont see how they can do that

one more information.. before this i had the same number of FS' but they were not specialised.. as in.. Cars were evenly distrubuted according to area on the map.. and whenever i wanted to make something new n the script i would make a new FS if required or just add to the game mode.. since i combined everything to 4 Filterscripts.. that was around 10 days back.. this happend..

It looks like Optimus Prime xD

also look at the car on extreme left.. its a car mod but actually its a HOTRING.. inside the script i have added a vehicle component which in normal cases can never be added to the car
its the SWITCH wheels.. also note* this car does not replicate to form a body part of optimus prime

Bare with me here what i say will most likely sound completely stupid but just to clear it up. Do you have your vehicles under OnPlayerSpawn?

nopee my script is all clean. it worked fine before it got messed up since ..


one more information.. before this................... body part of optimus prime


hm... i would do following:
go into your local server (to check it out for 1 player only, its vital for comparing values later), and before/while the car rain starts, press and hold down F5. the 5th line "Vehicles:" is important. clock how fast they get spawned. if its like increasing 1 car/second, then its most prolly a timer, running on a 1000 ms basis. if its spamming like 30 vehicles per second while youre moving, then its an indicator that it gets called in the OnPlayerUpdate. if its too fast to count them spawning, then its a loop for sure, maybe using MAX_PLAYERS.
when you estimated some "stable" increment rates, then repeat it with 2 or more players, and compare the amounts to check if the formula could be like "cars spawned = 1 second*players online"...
if youre done, iam happy to see the ca amonts for 1, 2 maybe 3 players aswell.. GL!

its doesnt happen where there is 1 person on the server.. it happens onoly when there are 2 or more..

its stopped happening now.. when i removed the SWITCH vehicle component from the Hotring


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