problem vps

i have a vps, and I started the server with ssh and it say started but when I open the game it isn't online.
why ?

I set announce to announce 1


Plugins should be .so for windows.

Take a look at your server_log.txt. Any errors there?

server log no error.
and i haven't plugin active.

Can you post last few lines of your server_log.txt?

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[15:21:45] Server Plugins
[15:21:45] --------------
[15:21:45] Loaded 0 plugins.

[15:21:45] Filter Scripts
[15:21:45] ---------------
[15:21:45] Loading filter script 'base.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[15:21:45] Loading filter script 'gl_actions.amx'...
[15:21:45] Loading filter script 'gl_property.amx'...
[15:21:45] Grand Larceny Property Filterscript
[15:21:45] -----------------------------------

[15:21:45] Loading filter script 'gl_realtime.amx'...
[15:21:45] Loaded 4 filter scripts.

[15:21:45] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/pilots.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 15 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_law.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 39 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_airport.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 255 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_gen.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 38 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_law.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 35 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_airport.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 353 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_gen.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 24 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_law.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 37 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_airport.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 98 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 389 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 71 vehicles from: vehicles/whetstone.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 168 vehicles from: vehicles/bone.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 61 vehicles from: vehicles/flint.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/tierra.txt
[15:21:45] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/red_county.txt
[15:21:45] Total vehicles from files: 1781
[15:21:45] Reading File: blank
[15:21:45] Reading File: properties/houses.txt
[15:21:45] Reading File: properties/businesses.txt
[15:21:45] Reading File: properties/banks.txt
[15:21:45] Reading File: properties/police.txt
[15:21:45] Running Grand Larceny - by the SA-MP team

[15:21:45] ---------------------------------------

[15:21:45] Number of vehicle models: 173

could be something chmods ?

try to add some plugins(sscanf and streamer)

Originally Posted by kikito
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try to add some plugins(sscanf and streamer)
Please don't post if you don't know what you are talking about. Adding useless plugins to server won't help in his server appearing online. Especially when he is running Grand Larceny.
emuk: If your VPS has multiple IP's, make sure you add "bind" to your server.cfg.

Originally Posted by kikito
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Plugins should be .so for windows.
Thats for MAC, learn it!
.dll is for windows....
.so = Mac
.Dll = Windows

Originally Posted by wolfcock
Посмотреть сообщение
Thats for MAC, learn it!
.dll is for windows....
.so = Mac
.Dll = Windows
Mac? What the flux?
.so is unix... not especially Mac.

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