17.09.2011, 19:50
Последний раз редактировалось AlbyIta96; 11.02.2013 в 23:27.
Panama City Roleplay

Scripter: Vez Vialpando
Streamer - Incognito

Panama City Roleplay by Vez Vialpando is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported License.
(Thanks: Al Morelli(rope swat and lights car))
Gamemode: Carlito's Roleplay EDIT
Script Lines: 26.000
Language: Italian
:: Dynamic Factions System :: :: Dynamic House System :: :: Dynamic Business System :: :: Dynamic Buildings System :: :: Dynamic Robbery System :: :: Dynamic Cars System :: :: Dynamic Owner Cars System :: |
:: Jobs :: -Mechanic Job -Drugs Dealer Job -Mats Dealer Job -Instructor(license) Job -Products Dealer Job -Detective Job -Barrister Job :: Missions :: -Sweeper -Sandwiches Seller -Ice-Cream man And Others :: Admin System :: -Very Easy :: Anti Metagame System :: -Now players can't see the name of the other player on the head, but if you are on Admin Duty you can. :: Weapon Saving :: -When you disconnect from server, it save your weapon :: Login And Register :: -Obviously in Dialog :: Tutorial :: -A simple tutorial with the more important point of the city. :: Dialog Menu :: -Dialog for House -Dialog for Business -Dialog for Phone :: Professional View :: -Professional view for: .House .Business .Buildings :: Easy Commands :: -The commands are simple, for example you can use buy command(/compra) inside Ammunation, 24/7, and more :: Business :: -Ammunation(Armerie) -24/7(Emporio) -Electronic Shop(Elettronica) -Phone Shop(Telefonia) -Advertising(Pubblicitа) -Bar/Pub -Restaurant(Ristorante) -Clothes Shop(Vestiario) -Betting Shop(Negozio di scommesse) :: Intelligent PayDay :: -The PayDay is realistic, for legal factions, they takes some money into their Faction-Bank :: AdminDuty :: -AdminDuty is beautiful, admins take a beautiful parrot on the shouder(Funny ![]() :: Bank & ATM :: -The bank and ATM are in Dialog, you can "Withdraw, Deposit, See the balance, take a loan and repay it" :: Clothes System :: -You change the clothes with right and left mouse button :: 3D Textdraws :: -3DTextdraws are very present inside the server, but they are very professional and beautiful :: Rope S.W.A.T. :: -Thanks: Al Morelli, you can use the rope swat for mission and scenes roleplay. :: Saving Location :: -Save the location when player disconnect :: GPS System :: -GPS give you the most important place of the city(Menu) :: Anims :: -The server has a lot of Anims. :: Health System :: -When the player is deathing appear a message with a injured anim :: Faction Storage System :: -Safe storage of factions mats and drugs :: Walkie Talkie System :: -For more Roleplay I add a Walkie Talkie system and remove Factions(No-RP) chat, there are 100.000 frequense :: Roleplay Bot :: -Two Roleplay Bot, the first is a police bot, the second is a Bank Bot :: Dynamic Robbery System :: -You can create a Robbery place in the game, I'm the first scripter for that And More... |
Gangs: Groove, Ballas, Rifa's, Aztecas, Yakuza, Police, FBI, Militar and more...
Commands List:
[Generale:] /ora - /stats(/stato) - /pieno - /on - /mangia - /trascina - /strascina - /mettidentro [Generale:] /compra - (/pub)blicita - /paga - /licenze - /vestiti - /id - /documenti - /do [Generale:] /accetta - /report - /eject - /chiudi - /clearanims - (/p)iano - (/g)rida - (/s)ussurra - /me -(/fi)nestrino [Generale:] /lascialavoro - /lavoro - /usadroga - /pm - /admins - /walkie - /w [Comandi:] /casa - /fazionecmds - /telefono - /negozio - /donatori"); :: FACTION :: [Fazione:] (/f)azione - /servizio - (/su)spect - (/r)adio - (/m)egafono - /arresta - /wanted - (/am)manetta - (/sm)anetta - /perquisisci" [Fazione:] /tazer - /ritira - /multa - (/gov)erno - /toglipunti - /striscia - /rimuovistriscia - /rimuovistriscie :: BOSS FACTION :: [Capo Fazione:] /faziona - /sfaziona - /grado |
Bugs: 0% Warning: 0% Originality: 100% All Working Perfectly!! |
Contacts: Skype: albymacario
And the author of plugins.
:: Download Page ::
NOT FIXED VERSION: Vez Vialpando FIXED VERSION: Link!! V0.3x http://www.mediafire.com/?fq21uuhucbidnj8 |