Where were you at 9/11?

I know we have another thread about 9/11 day, this one is to tell YOUR side of the story.
Where were you at the 11th of September 2001? What do you remember, what did you do?

Some information: The attack begain at 8:46 on GMT -5, that's 13:46 at GMT +0.
From there on you can calculate what time it was in your country.

Me ehh was a 4 years old So i forgot hehehe

I was behind my school desk, 9th grade I think. Heard those news from a walkman.

I don't remember a lot either, i was just 7 years old.
I can only guess what happened, but i calculated that at the time of the attacks, i was probably at school at the end of the day.

Hmmm maybe at home sleeping >: D I'm from portugal.
I've just been seeing some footage... I nearly cried

At that time, i was only 5 years old.
I remember i wanted to play with Lego with my dad, but he and my mom were sticked to that 'stupid' TV watching some kind of big bang. I was really angry back then. Some time later i realized something really bad was happened, cause they usually didn't care much about something on the TV.

I was getting ready for school at my old house (i was in elementary school). I remember getting really sad due to all the lives lost, and because the towers were destroyed. I remember thinking that something beautiful was destroyed and it would never be in our world again.

When i was a kid i would get upset when things were destroyed (including things like light bulbs and plates xD)- to me it was taking something nice and making it ugly.

I was very young plus, I'm in my country ..... far away.

I was in my back yard, playing with my two neighbours, suddenly, my mom called me and friends in house, I remember she was really scared. That's all.

Hmm i was like 6-7 years ?! Omg i really don't know ... i think i was home and i heard the horrible news .. on the news (ofcourse x) )

I was Home, partying.

I was 10. If I remember correctly, we watched live news coverage on TV in class.

I was a lot younger, didnt understand what exactly happend and i was mad that i missed knight rider because of this.

Well, that was 10 years ago, I was 6 and a half back then, I can barelly remember the pictures and videos from TV...

I'm glad about the project Ground Zero

I remember it quite clearly, even though I was 6 and barely had started primary school (Elementary school in the USA). That day I woke up and nobody in my house was getting ready for school, they where watching the TV. I usually watched cartoons for a bit before I went to school so I assumed it was that, but it wasn't. The news came across the screen that the twin towers had collapsed. I didn't actually know where they were located but you could tell by the images that it was a horrendous site. Later that day at school, we spent like half the day discussing it in the class, I still have the newspaper article from the day it happened. Even a week later the news was filled with the tragic event.

I was probably eating and pissed cause they started talking about that on all TV channels and I couldn't watch cartoons (I was 7)

I was at school when it happend, Our teacher heard the news, went out the class room to look for a TV, the whole school was shocked i remember and all were watching to the news.

Maybe sleeping ... I was like 5 years. xD

Sitting behind my pc looking for work with the radio on. Then suddenly i heard on the radio some1 saying
' look at the news a plane crashed into the wtc ' .
that was just seconds before the other plane crashed into the other building i kinda saw that part live.

How is it possible the human being do this? killing 3000 people? Why? when will it all end? When there were only some very big problem and when we have to unite us all is it? kills a human being for all, pleasure, revenge, money, political issues. Finally, at the time that it happened on September 11 I lived in Portugal and had four years in the news and I saw the first plane hitting the towers, the worst was people throwing themselves from the building, you believe that September 11 may have been a conspiracy?

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