[FilterScript] [FS] Toolbooth LV/LS Beta

What does it do?
It is an Filterscript that ads some objects at the Big bridge from LV to LS and back, With Commands you are able to open/close them,
To view an list of help you type ingame /tbhelp.

Why did i made it?
I made this cause its nice for RP, But its still an beta so it can be adjusted in anyway,
Have fun!

How many Objects does it count?
Current: 22 Objects Total.

Any bugs?
Yes, thats why its called an beta.
Some bugs i noticed:
  • The barrier 1 and 2 will flip up then go a lil down into ground
You can report bugs in this topic then ill fix them.

How does it work?
To use it you must be logged in as Rcon admin, Just cause security reasons, This can be simply edited in the script.

How to install?
Open up the ZIP file and Unzip the Files into youre server folder, And have fun!

The download:
Download the Toolbooth Filterscript by CLICKING HERE

[RP]Eoin for his nice idea on his server
Seif[CC] for his comment on this post

Oh sorry I didnt know you also had such idea, My is still beta so not good, If needed it can be deleted

And BTW this is not like i think u were going to do this, This is without timers with rotating, This 1 just flips up and Boom done My next step is adding timers and rotating

Wheres my name on the credits? :P



Perfectly!!!, I want that in LS/SF =)

Screenshots would be nice.

Also, /tbhelp doesn't seem to work.

Edit: Oh, it's working and looking good!

i can't wait to get this on our server the one in his banner hes working on a bunch of stuff i dunno when it will be ready

Really nice!!

Originally Posted by kN1ver
Perfectly!!!, I want that in LS/SF =)
I nowll start working on an SEU ( Special Edition Update )
For an LS/SF and SF/LV

And the version after that an SDE ( Super Deluxe Edition )
ill put all in 1

Any screenshots of this? Would be nice

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