Linux samp server

Hey guys i need a small help with samp server on linux
I need to know what is extension name for samp linux server...if there is any...
Windows is samp server file is " samp-server " and extension is " exe " so its a "samp-server.exe"
I downloaded server package for linux,stoped my server,renamed "samp03svr" to "samp03svr123"(Lets say 123 is my server ID) and uploaded it to host but now when i want to start server its fail's.So i checked again and noticed that there is no extension for that file (not even in zip that i downloaded)

So does anyone know what is the problem?

[EDIT]Solved it

Just leave it as samp03svr, upload nohup.out to the host, and use PuTTy, but make sure you have the right plugins aswell for the script to load.

setting up linux samp server is easy.

download, extract, configure and then do ./samp03svr to run the server

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