25.08.2011, 07:40
I sometimes browse the new server advertisements just to see what is out there. I generally find maybe one server in two pages of advertisements that I would be willing to join if I were a new player looking for a server. Here are some tips for those of you thinking about starting a server and posting an advertisement, because most of them look something like this.
Oh my god, I want to take a pen and jab it into my eyes when I see an atrocity like that on forums. Here are some tips that should help you next time you post.
1. Learn to spell, or find someone to write your ad that can. No one wants to join a server run by someone that obviously has trouble reading and writing.
2. Don't list the same features everyone else has. List the new features that players won't find on other servers
3. Include videos and screenshots in your presentation so that people can get a better idea what your server is like.
4. Don't put in your ad that "if you join you will be admin". That would make me stay away from that server, since the admin team are all a bunch of untrained noobs.
5. Don't ask for donations in your ad. Why would we join a server that is always going to be hitting us up for money?
6. Be professional and have everything you need already, like a ventrilo or teamspeak, a website/forums and hosting. Oh, and for God's sake, have a script. It costs around $5-$10 bucks a month to get a ventrilo, you really can't afford that? A
7. Put your server URL in text that people can copy, not on a banner or screenshot. If I have to take the time to type in your IP/Port manually, I'll probably move onto another ad.
8. And OMG make sure there are some people online after you post your ad and keep your server running 24/7. I can't tell you how many servers on the front page of the ad section right now are down or with zero pop.
9. Make your name something memorable. San Fierro Roleplay II is not going to stick in people's mind. However, Naked Roleplay probably will. Choose a great name that describes your server that people will remember.
10. Make a professional looking logo, or hire someone to do it for you. Posting a banner of something you slapped together in paint, or ripped off from somewhere else on the web is not professional and will not make players want to join.
I could next get into all the ways in which new servers chase away new players after they actually register and log in, but that's a whole new post. These days, with all of the scripts released and hosting and vent prices so cheap, just about anyone can start a server. But remember, just because you can start a server, doesn't mean you should.
Please join our server we haff lots of good features like houses and cars and you can even change skins and stuff. We dont have ventrilo but if you donat maybe we can get ventrilo. Come join us now for the best server in samp becuz you can roleplay and stuff you know.
Oh my god, I want to take a pen and jab it into my eyes when I see an atrocity like that on forums. Here are some tips that should help you next time you post.
1. Learn to spell, or find someone to write your ad that can. No one wants to join a server run by someone that obviously has trouble reading and writing.
2. Don't list the same features everyone else has. List the new features that players won't find on other servers
3. Include videos and screenshots in your presentation so that people can get a better idea what your server is like.
4. Don't put in your ad that "if you join you will be admin". That would make me stay away from that server, since the admin team are all a bunch of untrained noobs.
5. Don't ask for donations in your ad. Why would we join a server that is always going to be hitting us up for money?
6. Be professional and have everything you need already, like a ventrilo or teamspeak, a website/forums and hosting. Oh, and for God's sake, have a script. It costs around $5-$10 bucks a month to get a ventrilo, you really can't afford that? A
7. Put your server URL in text that people can copy, not on a banner or screenshot. If I have to take the time to type in your IP/Port manually, I'll probably move onto another ad.
8. And OMG make sure there are some people online after you post your ad and keep your server running 24/7. I can't tell you how many servers on the front page of the ad section right now are down or with zero pop.
9. Make your name something memorable. San Fierro Roleplay II is not going to stick in people's mind. However, Naked Roleplay probably will. Choose a great name that describes your server that people will remember.
10. Make a professional looking logo, or hire someone to do it for you. Posting a banner of something you slapped together in paint, or ripped off from somewhere else on the web is not professional and will not make players want to join.
I could next get into all the ways in which new servers chase away new players after they actually register and log in, but that's a whole new post. These days, with all of the scripts released and hosting and vent prices so cheap, just about anyone can start a server. But remember, just because you can start a server, doesn't mean you should.