24.08.2011, 20:58
Last edited by Kingunit; 18/09/2011 at 03:39 PM.

Blank gamemode using Y_INI
Today (25/08/11) I'm releasing my first gamemode on SA:MP forums. Just a simple gamemode so other scripters can easy start with a new gamemode!
What is in it?
- Register & Login dialog.
- Administrator system with basic commands. (/ah)
- PM function! (/pm)
- You can check if someone HP hacks.
- And some more! (/commands)
- IRC Connection
Please tell me if you have any ideas for the Admin commands. I will create them in the new version!
Last updated: (24/08/2011)
How to install?
That's kinda easy! Just download the .zip drop everything in a folder. Run the server.exe that's all!
You can make yourself Administrator via RCON. Login into RCON and type /makeadmin YOURNAME 1
- Kingunit - Scripting and building this gamemode.
- ****** - For his awsome Y_INI and sscanf include.
- Zeex - His fast command processor ZCMD.
- Kush - I've used a part of his tutorial!
- Incognito - IRC Plugin
Did I forget someone? Please report it to me!
Changelog: 10/09/11
http://localhostr.com/file/XU2jFmd/Blank%20INI.rar (Version 1)
http://localhostr.com/file/rTvysfY/Version%202.rar (Version 2)
http://localhostr.com/file/o7O8hla/Version3.rar (Version 3)
Please don't use mirrors if it isn't needed. You can report bugs in this thread! Have fun.