SA-MP on Mac

Originally Posted by Camacorn
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Im sorry, let me uninstall Firefox, and Photoshop, and the other 30 3rd party programs i have installed at this point in time.

Ughh, non mac using idiots dont know anything.
They dont accept 3rd party software that isn't checked for virus etc by Apple themselves.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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Mac for gaming = Fail.

And to those of you saying "They should make SA-MP for Mac too":
Well, they cant just do that. Mac doesent accept 3rd-party software, which SA-MP is.
Only windows and Linux accepts it.
I think you're thinking about iOS for the iPod or iPhone, but I'd generally agree - it was only up until recently that game creators decided to make modern games compatible with Mac.

Originally Posted by MiaWallace
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Thank you for the link, but apparently it doesn't work on my Mac...

this is what appears when I try to do what the guy does on the video...

thank you anyway
EDIT: I have downloaded the mac version of the game and it works!! but it doesn't have the gta_sa.exe file, so I can't run SA-MP. Someone knows how to run SA-MP without the gta_sa.exe file?

SA-MP is not standalone, you NEED GTA SA!

EDIT: Missed the page numbers.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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They dont accept 3rd party software that isn't checked for virus etc by Apple themselves.
I would rather have Apple check it for a virus instead of having to download an shitty anti-virus program which would just take up space and time.

Originally Posted by Camacorn
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I would rather have Apple check it for a virus instead of having to download an shitty anti-virus program which would just take up space and time.
That also means that you cant make your own software or scripts, I cant live with that.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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That also means that you cant make your own software or scripts, I cant live with that.
As far as I know, bash scripting works fine on OS X - correct me if I'm wrong.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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That also means that you cant make your own software or scripts, I cant live with that.
Actually you can if your an Apple Developer which i am.

Anyone can make an app. You do not need to be a developer. Any app will run on OSX, and it does NOT need to be approved by apple. I do not know where you are getting this information, because its just so stupid! APPLE DOES NOT NEED TO APPROVE EVERY APP FOR IT TO RUN.

With exceptions to the Mac App Store. (But that is not the only way to get apps... duhhh)

One of the things i hate about Mac is that you can't remap keys...

Thanks for this, Still a little buggy, but it's great, and my FPS is amazing. I'm running this on a Core i7 MacBook Pro 13" just fine.

you use bootcamp to run windows?

Originally Posted by billy4601
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you use bootcamp to run windows?
Yes, its very easy to setup.

OHNO! there was someone in your mac videotaping you 0.0

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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Mac for gaming = Fail.

And to those of you saying "They should make SA-MP for Mac too":
Well, they cant just do that. Mac doesent accept 3rd-party software, which SA-MP is.
Only windows and Linux accepts it.
lmao, are you serious?

I'm surprised you're competent enough to turn on your computer.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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They dont accept 3rd party software that isn't checked for virus etc by Apple themselves.

Originally Posted by Blacklite
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As far as I know, bash scripting works fine on OS X - correct me if I'm wrong.
It does indeed.

Originally Posted by dowster
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OHNO! there was someone in your mac videotaping you 0.0
Lol, it was a quick iPhone-taken video just to show it.

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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Mac for gaming = Fail.

And to those of you saying "They should make SA-MP for Mac too":
Well, they cant just do that. Mac doesent accept 3rd-party software, which SA-MP is.
Only windows and Linux accepts it.
Most games are developed using a Mac.
Also, they do accept third party software....if they didn't they wouldn't have sooo many programs for developing

Originally Posted by sim_sima
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They dont accept 3rd party software that isn't checked for virus etc by Apple themselves.
Lol What? Macs don't get viruses period.

Wait ... Mac = Linux .. xD Is that the same ? If not ... i want samp on linux

Originally Posted by Lynn
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Lol What? Macs don't get viruses period.
Yes, they do. Do your research before stating such nonsense.

Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium
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Wait ... Mac = Linux .. xD Is that the same ? If not ... i want samp on linux
No, Mac OS is based from Unix, not Linux.

Yes, a Mac can get a virus, but only if you are stupid enough to install it yourself. So better don't download those dumbass 'Mac cleaner' or w/e programs like that.

Can we get back on the topic please? I still can't get it to work..

Originally Posted by Macinzon
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I've tried out your way to play SA MP on a mac. I got the samp.exe running. But now when I try to connect to a server nothing happens, first it asked me to locate the gta_sa.exe file. So I did in Grand Theft: Auto San Andreas/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program_Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas

but still then it doesn't work.. I'm not using GTA SA from Steam btw.

Any idea what's wrong?

Thanks in advance.
I installed my GTA SA outside of WINE's 'C' drive. Mine's simply in /Users/Me/Documents/GTA San Andreas/, same with my SA-MP installation.

Originally Posted by TheInnocentOne
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I installed my GTA SA outside of WINE's 'C' drive. Mine's simply in /Users/Me/Documents/GTA San Andreas/, same with my SA-MP installation.
Are you talking about the same folder where the user files are in?

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