problem with pawno

when i try to compile it say unable able to compile can someone help please

Unable to compile? yeah, give us the error list and the coding of which where the errors are.

what i mean is when i try to compile it say unable to excute compile

You better pray you've made a backup.

how am i supposed to get my problem solved

What do you mean it said "Unable to excute complier"?

when i try to compile a message box comes up and it say Unable to excute compile

Check the code you most recently added, and try to debug it, finding errors in the code. There are multiple reasons the compiler can crash, and we can't name your specific problem off the top of our heads. If you could provide the code that you recently added to the source, it would be a big help.

i haven write anything yet i just open regular script try to compile it says unable how ot add screen pic ima show

Which script are you trying to compile?

To figure out whether it's a problem with that particular script, navigate to your gamemodes folder and attempt to compile bare.pwn. If it compiles, the problem relies in the script you downloaded. Otherwise, there is most likely a problem with you pawncc.exe. If that is the case, re-download the SA:MP server package.

it no script i click o the button the gives my a new default script then i click compile put name as bb and then it then the compile box comes up then the other box comes up says unable to excute comile

the pi the guy have on this post is the same thing that happen to my pc

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