26.07.2011, 15:04
Last edited by Karagon; 16/09/2012 at 10:26 PM.
Reason: Updated to 1.2
Soyea, I was bored one afternoon, so I just opened pawno and decided to make it. Without further ado, let's begin.
-The dude who made ZCMD (Zeex)
-The dude who made GVars (the one that actually works) (Incognito)
-SSCANF <3 (******)
-Who ever came up with the idea of PVars and the tutorial on SAMP wiki on how to use them <3
-DUDB/Draco Blue <3
-BMUK and LVRCR 1.7 for the Checkpoints
-The Creator of xObjects (Who ever you are)
-Me for the /getcp command (I love it, it's simple
-Lots of robbery places, explained later.
-Houses with house owners and names. That'll be explained later. (With house cars for a few houses)
-Terrorism with the ability to blow up several places across LS, including cars
-Lots of Admin Commands
-Anti Cheat
-PVars and GVars
-Manual Engines (Not in 1.1)
-Automatic weather (Not in 1.1)
-Spike Strips
-100% Dialogs; no menus
-An owned drug house
-Airports (1.1)
Many locations throughout Los Santos. They are all explained below
-69 Cent store
-Sex Shop
-Gas Stations (More than one, like 3+)
-Dance Club
-Burger Shots in L.S
-Tatoo Parlors
-Pig Pen
-Well Stacked
In total, there's about 15+ places for Robbery.
(Few more that I might have missed)
There are 8 or so houses all made. They have owners defined by the script. To make a player owner of the house, edit this line of the house name/number.
To make me the owner of that house, for example; do this
There it is. Now, for the name of the house. The house name is set by default to "This house is for sell.... blah blah" Change it from:
They all have interiors and a few have houses. To make your own at your location, just follow the way I did them. They are mostly located near Vinewood and in the high end parts of L.S.
As a terrorist, you have to blow things up to create chaos in L.S. There's a few places for you to blow up:
-The Vinewood sign (Experience required)
-The Amusement park in south L.S (Experience Required (Max))
-Bank (Half experience needed)
-Los Santos Airport
You must buy explosives from the bomb shop, not far from the airport.
For IRC, edit the following:
To include your network and channels.
Manual Engines
Simple type the following commands to do the functions to a vehicle:
/engine or press "2" - Turn it on
/boot - Pop the boot up/down
/bonnet - Pop the bonnet up/down
/lights - Turn on your lights
(Admin Only) - /lock - Locks your car
Automatic Weather System and Time (1.0 ONLY)
The time is synced. No need to worry about it.
For weather, it changes every 24 hours, based on random selection from the function.
To disabled weather, simple put a // at the line below
Make it
To take it out.
Spike Strips
I saw this on the SA-MP forums, and thought'll be cool. I decided to edit it just a bit and change it up, and it's gotten to this:
-Cops/Army can use them. When a player gets near them, their tires will pop.
Use /spike and /remspike to remove them (Look below for confirmation)
Drug House
This can be owned by a player. Do make a player own this, simple add the following:
For me to own it, as an example, you would do the following:
Simple. Just change the name, of course.
Cops - 20 Score minimum
FBI - 400 I think is the minimum score
Army - Admin Assigned
Private Medic
The Elite Class
This is given to the player by an Admin. They can use the Elite Player Chat and /afk.
There's lots of commands. All of it's done in ZCMD and what I call "compressed code" formatting. Instead of 3-4 lines for a check, it checks it in one line. In my mind, it should be faster. I don't know that to be 100% certain.
Cops - Army - FBI
/cuff (ID) - Cuffs a player
/ar (ID) - Player must be cuffed
/search (ID) - Searches a player for illegal items (Pot/Explosives)
/spike - Places a spike
/remspike - Removes a spike
/fine (ID) - Fines a Yellow player, like a ticked. (One star wanted)
/rape (ID) - rape a player
/fondle (ID) - Fondles a player
/blow - Depending on the checkpoint, blow it up
/bomb - Plant a car bomb in your car. It will explode soon
/rob (ID) -Robs a player
Private Medic
/infect (ID) - Infects a player
/healme - Heals yourself
/heal (ID) - Heals a player
/cure (ID) - Cures a player
General Commands
/medic Calls for a medic
/smoke - Smokes a cigar, must have one, and heals health
/pot - Smokes a joint with a pipe and pot
/snack - Eats a snack, cures you
/pm (ID) (Message) PMs a player
/report (ID) (Reason) Sends a report on the ID to the admins
Admin Commands
Admin Commands are as follows:
/startevent - Starts an Admin event
/endevent - Ends an Admin event
/eventweapon (WeaonID) (Ammo) Gives an event weapon (Ban Weapons are allowed)
/jail (ID) (Reason) Admin Jails a player
/unjail (ID) (Reason) Admin Unjails a player
/adban (ID) (reason) Bans a player
/adkick (ID) (reason) Admin Kicks a player
/freeze (ID) (reason) Freezes a player
/unfreeze (ID) (Reason) Unfreezes a player
/lock Locks your car, unlocks when you get out
/spec (ID) Spectates a player
/specoff - Turns off Specate
/ad (message) Talk to Other Admins
/admin (message) Speak with *Admin: Kinda like /rcon say
/goto (ID) Puts you near a player
/bring (ID) Brings a player to you
/jetpack Gives you a jetpack
/warn (ID) (Reason) Warns the player to follow the rules
/elite (ID) Gives a player Elite Status
/unelite (ID) Takes a player's Elite Status
/army (ID) Gives a player permission to play as army
/unarmy (ID) Takes a player's permission to play as army
/mute (ID) (Reason) Mutes a player
/unmute (ID) (Reason) Unmutes a player
/admode Goes off/on Admin Mode
/repaircar (ID) Fixes that person's car
/adgc (ID) (Amount) Gives a selected player cash
/nos (ID) Gives a player nos
/adheal (ID) Heals and cures a player
/adarmour (ID) Gives a player armour
/adcmds Shows a dialog of Admin Commands
Elite Player Commands
/afk - Go AFK
/ec (Message) Talk in that chat wave
IRC Commands NOT IN 1.2
!say <message> Speaks In game, must have a voice
!pm <ID> <Message> PMs a player in game
!admin <Message> Speaks with IRC Admin: in game. Must have channel op
!warn <ID> <Reason> Warns a player
!freeze <ID> <Reason> Freezes a player
!unfreeze <ID> <Reason> Unfreezes a player
!mute <ID> <Reason> Mutes a player
!unmute <ID> <reason> Unmutes a player
!kick <ID> <Reason> Kicks a player
!rcon <Command> Sends an RCON Command (Needed for GMX) (AO's only)
!nameban <Name> Bans a player via Player file and bans their ip
!Unban <Name> Unbans a player and their IP
!ann <Announcement> Sends Game Mode text across the screen
!fc <Message> Fake chat, simple lol
Information/Changelog about 1.2:
-1.2 Changelog:
-Removed IRC
-Made some Script Optimizations (Removing LSPD1, LSPD2, etc, replacing it with Arrays)
-Removed all the ol' GetPlayerName calls and so forth into PlayerInfo(playerid)
Information About 1.1
To increase speed, I redefined MAX_PLAYERS to 32. This means that the script will only count players up to ID 32 or so. So, if you wish to have a larger server, you need to change the following things in the script:
(Line ~34)
That's for the normal players. Next, the check point streamer
(Line 96
Script Properties
8, 469 Lines long. The longest script I have personally done.
PVars and GVars.
Three weeks to make it
8,677 lines long.
PVars and GVars
8,089 Lines long
Change log
Version 1.0 - Original Release
Version 1.1 - Former Release
Version 1.2 - Current Release
Major script overhaul. After realizing the speed, this was updated and is now ~400% faster than what it was
Removed the weather
Removed the on/off thing for cars
Added an Airport
Fixed a few spelling/grammar errors
Version 1.1.1:
-Conversion for SA:MP 0.3e
Version 1.2:
-1.2 Changelog:
-Removed IRC
-Made some Script Optimizations (Removing LSPD1, LSPD2, etc, replacing it with Arrays)
-Removed all the ol' GetPlayerName calls and so forth into PlayerInfo(playerid)
Version 1.2
Version 1.1.1 (Old)
Download CnR1.1.zip
IRC .SO Plugin by Incognito (FOR LINUX VERSIONS)
Version 1.0
-The dude who made ZCMD (Zeex)
-The dude who made GVars (the one that actually works) (Incognito)
-SSCANF <3 (******)
-Who ever came up with the idea of PVars and the tutorial on SAMP wiki on how to use them <3
-DUDB/Draco Blue <3
-BMUK and LVRCR 1.7 for the Checkpoints
-The Creator of xObjects (Who ever you are)
-Me for the /getcp command (I love it, it's simple

-Lots of robbery places, explained later.
-Houses with house owners and names. That'll be explained later. (With house cars for a few houses)
-Terrorism with the ability to blow up several places across LS, including cars
-Lots of Admin Commands
-Anti Cheat
-PVars and GVars
-Manual Engines (Not in 1.1)
-Automatic weather (Not in 1.1)
-Spike Strips
-100% Dialogs; no menus
-An owned drug house
-Airports (1.1)
Many locations throughout Los Santos. They are all explained below
-69 Cent store
-Sex Shop
-Gas Stations (More than one, like 3+)
-Dance Club
-Burger Shots in L.S
-Tatoo Parlors
-Pig Pen
-Well Stacked
In total, there's about 15+ places for Robbery.
(Few more that I might have missed)
There are 8 or so houses all made. They have owners defined by the script. To make a player owner of the house, edit this line of the house name/number.
#define HOUSE_ONE_OWNER ""
#define HOUSE_ONE_OWNER "Karagon"
#define House_One_Name "This house is for sell. Contact a Server Admin if you wish to buy it"
#define House_One_Name "This is the house name. It rox"
As a terrorist, you have to blow things up to create chaos in L.S. There's a few places for you to blow up:
-The Vinewood sign (Experience required)
-The Amusement park in south L.S (Experience Required (Max))
-Bank (Half experience needed)
-Los Santos Airport
You must buy explosives from the bomb shop, not far from the airport.
For IRC, edit the following:
//IRC #define BOT_1_NICKNAME "" #define BOT_1_REALNAME "" #define BOT_1_USERNAME "" #define BOT_2_NICKNAME "" #define BOT_2_REALNAME "" #define BOT_2_USERNAME "" #define IRC_SERVER "" #define IRC_PORT (6667) #define IRC_CHANNEL "#" #define IRC_ADMINCHANNEL "#" #define MAX_BOTS (2)
Manual Engines
Simple type the following commands to do the functions to a vehicle:
/engine or press "2" - Turn it on
/boot - Pop the boot up/down
/bonnet - Pop the bonnet up/down
/lights - Turn on your lights
(Admin Only) - /lock - Locks your car
Automatic Weather System and Time (1.0 ONLY)
The time is synced. No need to worry about it.
For weather, it changes every 24 hours, based on random selection from the function.
To disabled weather, simple put a // at the line below
SetTimer("Weather", 1000*60*24, 1); //Weather - comment to take it out
//SetTimer("Weather", 1000*60*24, 1); //Weather - comment to take it out
Spike Strips
I saw this on the SA-MP forums, and thought'll be cool. I decided to edit it just a bit and change it up, and it's gotten to this:
-Cops/Army can use them. When a player gets near them, their tires will pop.
Use /spike and /remspike to remove them (Look below for confirmation)
Drug House
This can be owned by a player. Do make a player own this, simple add the following:
//Biz owners #define Drug_House_Owner ""
//Biz owners #define Drug_House_Owner "Karagon"
Cops - 20 Score minimum
FBI - 400 I think is the minimum score
Army - Admin Assigned
Private Medic
The Elite Class
This is given to the player by an Admin. They can use the Elite Player Chat and /afk.
There's lots of commands. All of it's done in ZCMD and what I call "compressed code" formatting. Instead of 3-4 lines for a check, it checks it in one line. In my mind, it should be faster. I don't know that to be 100% certain.
Cops - Army - FBI
/cuff (ID) - Cuffs a player
/ar (ID) - Player must be cuffed
/search (ID) - Searches a player for illegal items (Pot/Explosives)
/spike - Places a spike
/remspike - Removes a spike
/fine (ID) - Fines a Yellow player, like a ticked. (One star wanted)
/rape (ID) - rape a player
/fondle (ID) - Fondles a player
/blow - Depending on the checkpoint, blow it up
/bomb - Plant a car bomb in your car. It will explode soon
/rob (ID) -Robs a player
Private Medic
/infect (ID) - Infects a player
/healme - Heals yourself
/heal (ID) - Heals a player
/cure (ID) - Cures a player
General Commands
/medic Calls for a medic
/smoke - Smokes a cigar, must have one, and heals health
/pot - Smokes a joint with a pipe and pot
/snack - Eats a snack, cures you
/pm (ID) (Message) PMs a player
/report (ID) (Reason) Sends a report on the ID to the admins
Admin Commands
Admin Commands are as follows:
/startevent - Starts an Admin event
/endevent - Ends an Admin event
/eventweapon (WeaonID) (Ammo) Gives an event weapon (Ban Weapons are allowed)
/jail (ID) (Reason) Admin Jails a player
/unjail (ID) (Reason) Admin Unjails a player
/adban (ID) (reason) Bans a player
/adkick (ID) (reason) Admin Kicks a player
/freeze (ID) (reason) Freezes a player
/unfreeze (ID) (Reason) Unfreezes a player
/lock Locks your car, unlocks when you get out
/spec (ID) Spectates a player
/specoff - Turns off Specate
/ad (message) Talk to Other Admins
/admin (message) Speak with *Admin: Kinda like /rcon say
/goto (ID) Puts you near a player
/bring (ID) Brings a player to you
/jetpack Gives you a jetpack
/warn (ID) (Reason) Warns the player to follow the rules
/elite (ID) Gives a player Elite Status
/unelite (ID) Takes a player's Elite Status
/army (ID) Gives a player permission to play as army
/unarmy (ID) Takes a player's permission to play as army
/mute (ID) (Reason) Mutes a player
/unmute (ID) (Reason) Unmutes a player
/admode Goes off/on Admin Mode
/repaircar (ID) Fixes that person's car
/adgc (ID) (Amount) Gives a selected player cash
/nos (ID) Gives a player nos
/adheal (ID) Heals and cures a player
/adarmour (ID) Gives a player armour
/adcmds Shows a dialog of Admin Commands
Elite Player Commands
/afk - Go AFK
/ec (Message) Talk in that chat wave
IRC Commands NOT IN 1.2
!say <message> Speaks In game, must have a voice
!pm <ID> <Message> PMs a player in game
!admin <Message> Speaks with IRC Admin: in game. Must have channel op
!warn <ID> <Reason> Warns a player
!freeze <ID> <Reason> Freezes a player
!unfreeze <ID> <Reason> Unfreezes a player
!mute <ID> <Reason> Mutes a player
!unmute <ID> <reason> Unmutes a player
!kick <ID> <Reason> Kicks a player
!rcon <Command> Sends an RCON Command (Needed for GMX) (AO's only)
!nameban <Name> Bans a player via Player file and bans their ip
!Unban <Name> Unbans a player and their IP
!ann <Announcement> Sends Game Mode text across the screen
!fc <Message> Fake chat, simple lol
Information/Changelog about 1.2:
-1.2 Changelog:
-Removed IRC
-Made some Script Optimizations (Removing LSPD1, LSPD2, etc, replacing it with Arrays)
-Removed all the ol' GetPlayerName calls and so forth into PlayerInfo(playerid)
Information About 1.1
To increase speed, I redefined MAX_PLAYERS to 32. This means that the script will only count players up to ID 32 or so. So, if you wish to have a larger server, you need to change the following things in the script:
#undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS (32)
That's for the normal players. Next, the check point streamer
#define MAX_PLAYERS_ 32

Script Properties
8, 469 Lines long. The longest script I have personally done.
PVars and GVars.
Three weeks to make it
8,677 lines long.
PVars and GVars
8,089 Lines long
Change log
Version 1.0 - Original Release
Version 1.1 - Former Release
Version 1.2 - Current Release
Major script overhaul. After realizing the speed, this was updated and is now ~400% faster than what it was
Removed the weather
Removed the on/off thing for cars
Added an Airport
Fixed a few spelling/grammar errors
Version 1.1.1:
-Conversion for SA:MP 0.3e
Version 1.2:
-1.2 Changelog:
-Removed IRC
-Made some Script Optimizations (Removing LSPD1, LSPD2, etc, replacing it with Arrays)
-Removed all the ol' GetPlayerName calls and so forth into PlayerInfo(playerid)
Version 1.2
Version 1.1.1 (Old)
Download CnR1.1.zip
IRC .SO Plugin by Incognito (FOR LINUX VERSIONS)
Version 1.0