04.08.2011, 14:24

* I made this Include, my very first Include, for one of my friends. I made it somehow to make it but it used a Loop and a Variable. So my friend []stuntman[] helped me to make it without those. It resulted a functional Include and also very useful , wich every scripter can use , especially those ones who work in "new.pwn" files.
* This Include is used for Objects Loading. In the case of an Teleportation, in a place where exists a Map , the objects can appear hardly. This fact is usually caused by the Streamer. In some situations in wich the Map is somewhere high , it can happen to the player to fall. This include prevents those situations with a simple function:
ShoObjectsLoad(playerid); |
- Download the include and put it into pawno > include
- Add on the top of your GameMode #include <ShoObjects>
Q: So do i just need to put the Include and works automaticly?
R: No.You must add the function to every Teleport in your GM.
Q: It is this also an Object Streamer or just a Object Loader?
R: It's just an Objects Loader wich not disturbs the Streamer.
Q: Can I distribute it to anyone I want?
R: Yes you can if you dont change the credits.
Q: Does it makes any Lagg or have any Bug?
R: As far as I know, it doesn't have any bugs.
Q: Can I modiffy it or add something to it?
R: Yes as far as you mention the original creators.
No mirrors please!

* Script originally made by ShOoBy
* Special thanks to []stuntman[]
* As this is the end of my Script , I thank you for your time. I hope you will use the Include, as is my first one and my first Stock too. Please keep downloading it. And if you use it or you like it, please Reply here , because I want to know your oppinion about it. Have a good day!